Site removed: Is there a middle ground between re-submitting and reporting abuse?

Room 101

Apr 20, 2009
I just discovered my site -- which has been listed for years -- has been removed from the directory.

Responses to similar questions include the following reasons for removal and do not apply to me:

  1. [*]the content of the site did change and the site does no longer meet the DMOZ guidelines (permanently removed)
    The site is my personal portfolio of my original art and the only changes I make is when I add a new work to the site.​

    [*]the DMOZ guidelines did change and the site is no longer listable (permanently removed)
    Without getting specific, my site was listed in a sub-sub-category. The name of the category explicitly describes the media in which I work, and the site's description and title include the name of the category.​

    [*]the site did change but is still listable, the new content does fit better in another category (the site is moved to the other category and is waiting review, temporarily not visible for the public)

    Again, the only changes would be the addition of new work to the existing portfolio.

    [*]the site was not available for some time and one of our tools or an editor did remove it from public view (temporary, it will be checked at a later date, if it remains to be unavailable it wil be removed permanently else it will be listed again)

    To my knowledge the site has never experienced an outage. I can't rule it our entirely, of course, but it has never come to my attention that any user was unable to access the site.​

It get that a "black hole" of sorts is created when a) updates are requested (and awaiting re-approval) or b) an editor independently deems a site more appropriate for another category (and it is awaiting re-approval), but it does seem (based on previous threads on the subject) that most of the de-listings are triggered by update requests or sweeping changing to either the site or category, neither of which is applicable in my case. So where does that leave me?

Do I file an abuse report? Do I re-submit the site, either with or without a brief description of this question? I don't want to debate your guidelines -- they are what they are -- I just want help following them. :confused:

Thanks -- Joyce


Apr 5, 2004
Do I file an abuse report?
If you have any evidence that the de-listing of any site was against ODP guidelines, then of course we would appreciate seeing that evidence, but it would be inappropriate to use the abuse-reporting system merely to speculate what might have happened to your own site.
Do I re-submit the site, either with or without a brief description of this question?
That is entirely up to you. We welcome site suggestions because they provide one resource editors can use if they wish, when building a category.
If a site is currently awaiting re-review for one of the reasons you already stated, then re-adding it to the pool of Unreviewed sites will not cause a problem, provided it is done only once. :)

On the other hand, if a site does not meet the criteria for listing, it would be pointless to suggest it. As above, doing so once will not cause a problem (apart from wasting volunteer time), but your time would probably be better spent improving the site until it does meet those criteria. :)

Room 101

Apr 20, 2009
This is so embarrassing, but I think I may have confused my listing in the Yahoo directory with dmoz. :embar: If I ever did submit a link to dmoz it would have been six or seven years ago so I will submit my link now and let the chips fall where they may.

Thanks for the quick response, and sorry for the mix-up.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
It won't be the first time that's happened - but I don't recollect any previous occasion where somebody's said so. Thanks for letting us know :).

Room 101

Apr 20, 2009
jimnoble said:
It won't be the first time that's happened - but I don't recollect any previous occasion where somebody's said so. Thanks for letting us know :).

Wow, really?! That's kind of depressing, actually. This is the smallest mistake I can imagine owning up to, lol.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.