Site removed to take personal "revenge"



My site has been in the ODP since the past 6 months or so. The editor of the category visited the forum on my site and started spamming against the clear written forum charter and guidelines. I asked him very nicely, to please stop spamming and deleted the specific post in question. But he continued spamming each section of my forum. Ultimately, left with no choice I had to ban him from my forum.

Now as a revenge towards me, he removed my site from the category. My site is one of the best sites on the subject, if not the only best one.

In addition to this unethical move by the editor there is something else I would like to bring to ODP's attention. The editor has listed his own site in the category, which has nothing to do with the subject matter, not even remotely! And various other sites which are barely relevant to the subject matter.

How can I report this abuse of power and correct this situation?

Thank you.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge"

You can look through some of the threads here and pick anyone with the word "meta" under their name (where you have "member"). Send the details to that person via a PM, and they will either look into it, or pass it to someone that will.


Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge"


I should include all the specifics like urls, names and dates right?


Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge"

DEFINITELY include all the specifics that you can to document this allegation.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge"

Yes you should.

Please be ready to accept whatever the meta says. I don't know the details in your case, but it may be that your site was removed by a different editor, for a different reason. If things are the way you describe them, you can expect to see your site re-listed. However, there may be other parts to the story that you are currently unaware of, in which case you'll just have to accept them.

Good luck.


Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge"

Thanks dfy and rfgdxm

No actually I described it in the utmost detail and accuracy, and I know this happened and I am 99% sure.


Re: Site removed due to take personal "revenge"

I sent a PM to 'kctipton'

Lets see what happens.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.