Site removed. Why? How can we correct this?


Jul 29, 2004
My client has been listed in the pheromone section of ODP for years. Recently, his inclusion was removed. Why? How can we correct this?

He is not an affiliate (although has thousands of affiliates pointing to him) and offers direct retail without redirections or popups. In his niche he is considered an authority so find it hard to see a reason for removal. In addition, his site is migrating to a fully W3C compliant code base (already W3C CSS validated). The only recent change is the decision to move his site from virtual hosting to a dedicated server solution. Was this change enough to prompt removal?

I would sinerely appreciate the Editor feedback on why the site was removed so that we can LEARN and not make the same mistake in the future.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
One of the dangers of having thousands of affiliates, all of whom claim in their own name to be providing your goods and services, is that you may be mistaken for them.

The editors don't have the time or inclination to spend very much time tracking down which of the thousands of distributed-conspiracy-to-conceal-the-original-mirror is the real one. Once we identify a family of mirrors, we don't list any of them (as is explicitly stated in our submittal policy.)

And since your whole business model is predicated on successful concealment of the true provider of the services, it would be really, really stupid of us to tell you how we attempt to discover that information!

There has been no mistake to be corrected. The ODP pursues its goal of listing unique content. You pursue your goal of replicating your content thousands of times. The results are predictable and inevitable.

So there's nothing to discuss.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.