Site removed


Aug 20, 2008
I hope this is the right place to post this. Since 2003 my website has been listed in the appropriate category in DMOZ and just the other day I was doing a search and realized it has recently been deleted. It is a small local dating site which has never had very many active members (around 1500 currently) and a couple of support staff / volunteers. I have never really promoted it much except basic seo - hence the extremely slow growth. Having said that, even though this is a very small site I don't think we have ever broken any rules or violated any of the terms and conditions of DMOZ.

Our site has changed quite a bit over the years and has had many revisions, however our focus has remained the same (local personals site for the community).

Anyway I was advised to post here for possible assistance and I was wondering if there is any way I could find out if my site got pulled by Robozilla due to a temp server glitch. The category it was listed in is:


I can supply the URL if someone here has time to look into this for me. If not thanks anyway for taking the time to read this :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We won't discuss specific websites here.

In general, websites are removed temporarily if they become unavailable or if they are in transit to a different category.

Either could trigger a re-evaluation. It's possible that a website that was listable years ago might not be listable today, in which case it's removed permanently.


Aug 20, 2008

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my posting. I did not realize you could not discuss specific sites / situations here (I should have read the forum rules). I will either assume from your posting that my site has been temporarily removed from its category or that it is no longer suitable / listable for your directory. Since it is a small local community site it is probably not as relevant as some of the larger sites listed.

Anyway, I appreciate your advice.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.