Site ReSubmission Status


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
It was deleted as being an affiliate of itctv, although belief in that affiliation was probably an error. The products on your site are the same as those being sold by itctv sites and numerous other dropshipping sites. It appears the origin of the products vary, but the result is the same--they are considered non-unique because they are literally on hundreds and hundreds of other sites being submitted weekly. Sorry :(


We are not an affiliate of any site, but you are correct when saying that the items we sell are sold in hundreds of other sites.

But this is the beauty of the internet, you have more than one choice, you can buy from us or buy from someone else.

Also as of this month we are adding numerous new items that probably making us different than those sites you were referring to, Does that make us unique? Would our site be reconsidered for listing in your directory?. Thanks for your time.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
In order to be considered unique, the majority of the products would need to be unique (as opposed to offering a few unique and a large number of products found on other sites).
But this is the beauty of the internet, you have more than one choice, you can buy from us or buy from someone else.
I don't disagree with your statement at all. At the same time, I firmly believe in the reasons we can't list it. It isn't a problem with your products by any means, and as a listing on a regular search engine I can see value. When looking at a piece of the directory and from the perspective of adding sites that make that area richer the focus then changes. There wouldn't be any point to adding them as they don't offer anything new to the category. In addition, and my experiece with that category is extensive, I also know that if we were to add them then well over 50% of General Merchandise would be made up of sites selling the products you are offering and sites offering SMC products--that is how many are submitted on a regular basis. It wouldn't serve the end user to find mostly the same products either. I delete an enormous amount of sites offering both almost daily. The purpose of listing unique content sites is so that users are able to find a variety of products. :p


Thanks for the reply.
I do agree that we are here for the end users, but when I search for an item I like to see more than one site providing that item, I like to compare prices and I like to see if the site I am ordering from provide some means of communication if my order got delayed or had a problem, but from what I understand from the previous posting that the end user have no choices and by doing that we are not serving the end user but we are serving the company which has the item. I do understand that is the DMOZ policy and I respect that you are sticking to the policy but we are a legitimate business and we are trying to provide value to the users of the net.

Also another comment, if only sites with unique products or service get listed in the directory, we will have a few hundred sites instead of the large number of site we have now.

Thank you so much for you time and I know you could be spending this time with you family and kids but instead you are volunteering your time to make the internet better and that is very much appreciated. Thanks. :(


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
I like to compare prices

The statement above is not about unique sites offering the same product as others, it is about affiliate sites. And comparing prices between affiliate sites is senseless.

In my eyes - not since I started editing the ODP but long before, here I just learned that this is the way the ODP sees it too - affiliate sites are a pain. Not offering additional information, no reallly unique pricing, you have to wade through hundreds of them if you look for multiple offers for a product.
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