Site reviewed confirmation (accepted/denied)


Jun 15, 2007
I have submitted a site over 6 months ago, and it seems to never get listed. I visited again 3 months later and submitted it again, thinking there was a submission problem, again, nothing.

I have no problem revising something if need be or simply changing something, but I get no confirmation of any sort that the site is not being listed, or is being listed, or is even looked at?

I have strictly read the guidelines, but think with no confirmation of any kind from an editor may be causing more confusion on the clients end like myself than is necessary?

any suggestions?

Josh Jones


Jan 23, 2003
Yes...don't obsess over an ODP listing.

When you suggested the site you received a confirmation screen that told you what you needed to know -- your suggestion went through.

We offer no communication beyond that point because such communication, with all it entails, is a major distraction from our mission of building the directory.

Now that you have suggested it twice, please don't suggest it again. It will either be listed, or not. If we do list it, we make the ultimate public announcement -- we add it to the directory where everyone in the planet can see it.

If we do not list it, it is probably not listable -- which means in the vast majority of cases, that it cannot be repaired.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.