site status of - editor reviewed site 1 month ago but no listing ?


Mar 27, 2004
Hi my web stats showed that a dmoz editor visited my site on 29th Sept.

I applied for a dmoz listing in April ..... and was pleasantly surprised that it only took an editor less than 5 months to look at my site.

However it has been a further month since the editor looked at it and I am yet to get a dmoz listing.

My understanding of the system is that once an editor reviews a site they make an instant decision to either list the the submission (subject to the editors amendments) or they reject it.

I did follow the guidelines rigidely or at least I thought I had.
- I did not repeat or spam any keywords, I gave a factually correct, fully punctuated description (23 words from memory) of the service I provide where I am based.

However, not seeing my listing, since the editor looked at my submission, tells me that me submission has either been rejected or passed onto another editor to review.

If you could provide me with some feedback as to how my submission is progressing ..... so that I can either re-submit (preferably with advice of why I was rejected - if that is the case) or if the editor was planning a sneaky Christmas present for me I will patiently wait until the New Year before enquiring further. (I submitted my site on my birthday so getting a listing on Christmas Day would cause me amusement !)

my site
submitted to


Below is a copy of my web referral stats.
I have removed the referring domain / ip address details

Visit Start Time 9/29/2004 5:21:08 PM
From Domain removed but can be given if required
I.P. Address removed but can be given if required
Referred By<edited>


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>My understanding of the system is that once an editor reviews a site they make an instant decision to either list the the submission (subject to the editors amendments) or they reject it.
That understanding is of the unmarried female gender.

>However, not seeing my listing, since the editor looked at my submission, tells me that me submission has either been rejected or passed onto another editor to review.
No, it doesn't.

>If you could provide me with some feedback as to how my submission is progressing.
The site is waiting there for review. No editor action has been taken. We have no way of knowing any more than that.


Mar 27, 2004

I don't really understand your 'unmarried female gender' comment, although I do think the more important issue is understanding what I should do next ?

In your opinion, should I just wait or should I re-submit my entry ?

I WANT to do the correct thing to assist the editors, not hinder you and your colleagues.


PS - Comments not meant to questioning you but intended to show why I asked .....

I do know that an editor did look at my site on the 29th Sept.
My site stats show a referral coming from
" to nottingham uk web businesses"

I may have misenterpreted this visit as an editor on a social browse of the web rather than an editor on active 'review' duty. Although I probably should assume nothing !

in line with the unmarried comment .... I hope for a short engagement .... and a Christmas wedding would be nice !!!


Sep 11, 2003
A site can be looked at for many reasons. The link you show simply means that an editor has accessed your site, for one of many possible reasons, from the editor server. A review is only one of an infinate number of reasons why they would visit.

There is nothing more that needs to be done on your part as the site has been received. If the site does not show up as listed within the next six months then you are free to use this thread to request another status check.

Hope this helps.


Mar 27, 2004
Thanks Leer,

It's certainly does help.

I think you will find that I am the least stressed 'poster to the forum' in waiting for a listing !

I am still learning 'the trade' so when I do get my listing and am found more frequently by search engine referrals my web skills will have undoubtedly improved (I hope !). In the meantime I am surviving with word and mouth referrals.

It was a pleasant surprise seeing the editor referral, but after seeing nothing happen for a month I thought it was odd so wanted to ask !

Where I would get stressed, is if I were doing something wrong through misunderstanding the process, which would imply I haven't learnt a thing.

.... but thanks for the calming comments !!!

I'll leave my status check until 24th April (my birthday) .... that is if Christmas presents aren't been sent out from dmoz !!!



Mar 27, 2004
Thanks for the listing

To the dmoz reviewer of my web site.

Thank you very much for my listing in directory.

It is marginally different to what I submitted, however it is a very nice and concise description of the site .... many thanks !

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