Site Status Request -



Dear Sir`s / Madam`s,
Please can you advise when our site of will be listed on dmoz.

We would like it to be listed on the category above, as this best suits the website content and service to visitors.

we have been trying for nearlly 3 years to get our site to be listed, working withy google re content etc, but still no luck.

Please can someone shed some light on why our site has never been listed within DMOZ, but newer sites offering similar content are added.?

Site Name: Ring4Tonez
Site url:
Site Description: Offers ringtones, mobile phone java games, and other mobile handset related downloadable content.

Admin E Mail:

Low Level Category we submit to:
Or Click Here

Any help or assistance would be greatly appreciated, i respect how hard editors must have to work to keep up to submissions, but i just need an answer to why we have been ignored for so long :(

Kind Regards


Hi Windharp,
I have read the guidelines, and see that because we are using a content provider we are being penalised.? most of the sites on the internet (also in that category) use content providers.

How would you suggest we progress with our site which offers aswell as our content being supplied, mobile vidoes and java games etc, which are our own service.

can you offer any advise.? or will we never be able to be included do to what we offer.?

Also as part of the Ring4Tonez brand, we have had made a mobile games system where webmasters and website owners can join and add our games to their website, thus adding good content for their websites without the hassle of lisencing etc. This has been developed and has proved to be a unique system for mobile phone related sites to get content onto their pages.

so my next question has to be, are we also being looked at in a similar way.? although we offer unqiue content for website owners to offer on their own websites.? isnt this adding value to content these websites provide.?

If you could nail down the exact reason if possible i would be interested in your views :confused:



In Reply to above:

so this 1 page with 4 links website URL REMOVED listed in this category, gets listed, but our 200 page mobile content website doesnt.?

isnt google adsense a system adding unqiue content onto other websites for the webmaster to earn money from.?

Youve got to agree something is not right.!



Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
All sites in that category are investigated and we only allow one site per affiliate company, so only one website that offers tones from Stealthnet, only one from MMS3 and so on.

If you think that some sites have slipped through the net, please let us or the category editor know and we'll take appropriate action.

Added: see below - we do delete sites that no longer meet our guidelines :)


Thanks for the feedback, could i possibly ask another question here.?

We have a unique mobile java games system (ours) on the sub url of which is just a mobile games system and reseller system for other webmasters to add dynamic content to their websites.

will this have the same issues on being added to the dmoz.?

the url above is just games, granted our main site uses other peoples content, the above url is our own system.

How would you best think we could possibly get this listed instead of.? would this be acceptable.? or would it look as though we were spamming.?

Your thoughts would be appreciated.:)

also noticed we have been visited by: .com%2F&cat=Test%2FEditors%2FT%2Ftotalxsive

not sure what this means.??

we have in the past submitted our sub domain service to:
Regional > Europe > United Kingdom > Business and Economy > Shopping > Consumer Electronics > Communications > Wireless > SMS
Link Here as we found this category by searching for "mobile phone games" on google.

we submitted our sub domain and i guess this also has been stopped from being added.?? could anyone advise.?

Regards in advance


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>We have a unique mobile java games system (ours) on the sub url of which is just a mobile games system and reseller system for other webmasters to add dynamic content to their websites.

>will this have the same issues on being added to the dmoz.?

It may well have similar issues...I have trouble following your terminology, but it sounds like it may be another form of "duplicate content spam".

Our information model assumes the "monkey do, monkey say" model of content creation. Content aped by the whole pithicine tribe is just spam. When we run across "hundredth monkey" kind of content, we list just the first monkey, if we can identify it quickly. Otherwise we poison the whole tribe.

>the url above is just games, granted our main site uses other peoples content, the above url is our own system.

>How would you best think we could possibly get this listed instead of.? would this be acceptable.? or would it look as though we were spamming.?

If a site claims to feature "widgets, gadgets, and gimlets", some of which are, um, frequently featured on totally non-unique-content sites -- the editor will probably pick one of the features for closer examination. If that featured content is non-unique, the editor will assume the whole site is non-unique. Furthermore, the editor will probably pick the featured content that he can most quickly recognize as non-unique. (That content, of course, will not be the same for all editors.)

This is why featuring non-unique content on your site will likely prejudice any other content that may be unique.

>also noticed we have been visited by: .com%2F&cat=Test%2FEditors%2FT%2Ftotalxsive

>not sure what this means.??
Means you asked a question about the site, and an editor partially "added it to unreviewed," which is one quick way to check its status.


It may well have similar issues...I have trouble following your terminology, but it sounds like it may be another form of "duplicate content spam".

Our information model assumes the "monkey do, monkey say" model of content creation. Content aped by the whole pithicine tribe is just spam. When we run across "hundredth monkey" kind of content, we list just the first monkey, if we can identify it quickly. Otherwise we poison the whole tribe.

what if the 56th monkey has a unique and more efficient way of offering unique content to website visitors.? is this taken into consideration.? if not, why not.?

If a site claims to feature "widgets, gadgets, and gimlets", some of which are, um, frequently featured on totally non-unique-content sites -- the editor will probably pick one of the features for closer examination. If that featured content is non-unique, the editor will assume the whole site is non-unique. Furthermore, the editor will probably pick the featured content that he can most quickly recognize as non-unique. (That content, of course, will not be the same for all editors.)

does this mean yahoo / google / sky all are un unique as they pull all the same news headlines from each other.? what if another site had a more interesting way to show/offer news.....would these be then seen as non unique.?

I dont like the non unique look at things, i think if you have something people want, and you can offer them it in a way that pleases the visitor (at the end of the day these are the customers)

Our games are direct from the game developers, and we offer website owners 2 ways to offer the games on their sites:
1. by a unique url
2. by adding javascript to their pages.

Our games service is 100% our own, and although other sites offer these games, we are a content owner and not an affiliate for games.

This should.....make a difference...dont you think.?

So you dont think our games service has a chance of being listen in the "Open" directory.?

This does seem a shame if so.
Regards & thanks for taking the time to offer your opinion.


I can understand not being added because of duplicate spam, but surely there are thousands of sites offering the same items, type in ringtones, and theres a whole bunch.

my main concern is although there are lots of great sites offering the same kind of item.

to be competitive you have to play with the big boys (websites) but if these sites have a buffer zone knowing they are safe as others with the same content can not touch them,re google/dmoz etc then surely thats an unfair advantage.?

and if the above isnt right, this means someone with the similar content could project him/her self into the industry. If this is the case arnt they then content spamming.? (as suggested) or are they being resourceful and thinking of new ways how they offer the content.?

From my point of view, if there are 500.000 sites offering the same/similar goods, and i had to decide to add or not,i would then look at the usability of the site / layout / navigation etc because for all i know the non ranked site could have a better system or more unique system then the higher ranked site offering the same content.

After all google is for fish large & small.!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You're free to choose what customers to target, and to decide how best to serve them -- whether or not you choose to target the ODP.

The ODP, like other customers, is free to choose its suppliers, so an efficient content distribution system is always important.

Our concept of "efficient" is from the point of view of our customer. We want them to be able to expect different content at each of the links we provide them. And we want them to easily find that unique content.

Mixing unique content with non-unique content is inefficient, from that perspective. And yes, that is a secondary consideration: except in very high spam targeted areas, this won't keep a site from being listed. (Of course, ringtones, travel reservations, gambling, and patent-nostrum pills all are among the highest spam targets.)

Unique ways of offering content are of course a deficiency -- the more portable, the more normal, the more conventional, the presentation, the better it is for people who want to consume information from many sources, and don't want to have remember a different set of idiosyncracies to use each one. This is also a secondary consideration: a unique presentation won't automatically keep a site from being listed.

I think that if you have unique content, understanding these things about the ODP will enable you to figure out a way to present and suggest that content so that it will be listed. I don't know if current conception of your targeted consumers is broad enough to include the customers we have in mind when we choose what providers of content to distribute to our customers.


Mar 25, 2002
If there are 500.000 sites offering the same goods, ODP wishes to only list the one site that is the source/original_provider of those goods. The other 499.999 sites will have to use other marketing strategies beyond a listing in ODP to stand out and be found by customers. The details of this is not our concern. There are other forums that can help you with this.

Best of Luck!


In regards to getting a fair listing & approval then yes, i would now agree product content is less important and more luck is needed.

Our java games system are our own, and we supply major operators who then offer these on their sites.

Our list of games some other sites may have, but the way we offer websites/companies the use of these by adding javascript to their pages to show our games is unique.

p.s sorry for the delay, but for some reason XP Pro I.E6 doesnt like posting topics, so i have had to use another machine.


Hi Folks,
We have just posted our unique java games service to the ODP, and was just wondering if someone could confirm its arrived ok etc.

Name Ring4Tonez
Url: (direct url)
Description: mobile phone java games content suppliers,aswell as various other mobile sms solutions.

Category submitted to:/Top/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Communications/Wireless/SMS/
Link Here

If someone could kindly advise if all is ok with our submission, and if possible how many reviews are waiting in the category (before ours), and if the editor is active.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.