Site Status - Ring4Tonez (Mobile Games)



Hi Folks,
We have just posted our unique java games service to the ODP, and was just wondering if someone could confirm its arrived ok etc.

Due to posts on our main listing with concerns to affiliated with content suppliers, our phone games service is unique in its build/service, and is operated under the ring4tonez host, although it isnt affiliated and is a system where game developers issue games for us to include in our system, and webmasters/websites can offer these on their sites to gain valuable content addition and gain revenue.

This is a seperate service to the main site offering just mobile games content soutions to websites that wish to offer such items.

It has been database built and is only available on the sub url,this content is unique in the way companies and websites can offer such items, and is 100% our own content supplying service, and not affiliated in any way with any content provider of the main ring4tonez domain.

Name Ring4Tonez
Url: (direct url)
Description: mobile phone java games content suppliers,aswell as various other mobile sms solutions.

Category submitted to:/Top/Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Communications/Wireless/SMS/ Link Here

If someone could kindly advise if all is ok with our submission, and if possible how many reviews are waiting in the category (before ours), and if the editor is active.



Agreed, but do they offer games to websites.? as we do.? and have you thought that we might be supplying some of the sites listed in the hundreds.??


If you were correct apeuro, would this mean only 1 insurance company should be listed.?? as afterall isnt insurance for cars and houses all the same.??

or are they varuiations in cover making them unique.?? doesnt this mean variations in other content should be allowed.?? either in the way it can be searched for or being offered by the comapny or website.??

I now feel as though DMOZ isnt giving a fair appraisal of websites/company products, as i now have added 2 posts for the main site, and now for our unique system.

can you name me another site that offers mobile java games for websites, that uses 4 lines of javascript to show the latest content all pulling live data from our system for latest games to appear on their own websites.??

does this mean you are going to penalise our big clients for offering our "non unique" content even if its the same as elsewhere?? think not....

agreed content would all be same, but i feel we are even being penalised for offering this as content suppliers.

Post threads e mailed to admin for comments.


Mar 1, 2002
You are not offering any content. You are offering someone else's content. In effect your site is nothing but an ad for another sites' content.

Do a search on "affiliate" here, and you will find answers to your questions about why we don't list affiliate sites. I'm afraid life's too short for members here to have to rehash the same arguments for every affiliate webmaster known to man.

In the meantime I strongly suggest you focus your efforts elsewhere. Your site will most certainly not be listed in the ODP. All of the time you waste here, could be better spent promoting your site elsewhere.


your "Opinion" is noted, but is incorrect.

u better go tell ebay they are offering everyone elses content on their site.mmmmmmmm seems as though one rule for one, and so on..........

and i agree with "all the time you waste here" what a lovely service you offer to company owners, and so helpful....manners cost nothing!!

It seems to me there are good and honest editors out there who really do offer assistance, then there are some which have a slight power chip on their shoulder and play god.

As editors you should respect that DMOZ or ODP is a good place for websites, i wonder if in the future the editors sites in their category will be listed.? this would truly be helpful.!!!!

Ive wasted enough time in here, and await a reply from admin.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.