Site submission check discontinued


Dec 21, 2004
I submitted my site well over 6 months ago and was told to check back and that it would be looked at. Well, here it is July and my site still isn't posted. MSN AOL YAHOO HOTBOT ect.. have excepted the site why hasn't it been posted here? Very confused as to the system here. :confused:


Jan 23, 2003
Well, I'm sorry you are confused, but here is the lowdown.

We no longer give status checks for a variety of reasons. The top of each forum has a link to the announcement explaining the decision, as does my signature block.

If your site has a rich selection of unique content, and it is in compliance with our published guidelines, then it stands a very good chance of being listed. Review times (whcih are addressed in our FAQ in greater detail) can be more than three years.

Our best advice is to simply not worry about it. (Easier said than done :D )

You were given a confirmation when you submitted, you were apparently given an acknowledgement about six months ago, so you know that we have received it.

you can continue to waid, you can use our admittedly underperforming search function, or you can use the search function on one of our downstream data users, such as Google, and restrict the search to our domain (advanced search help you do this).

If you had a very good feel for where your site would be listed, you can also periodically browse that category.

Hope this helps.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
MSN AOL YAHOO HOTBOT ect.. have excepted the site why hasn't it been posted here? Very confused as to the system here.

You are talking about search engines, ODP is a human edited directory of sites--meaning a human being (non-paid volunteer) reviews each and every site before listing it (if accepted for a listing) so it will often take longer--but the service is free and the result is a directory of content-rich sites. You've submitted it, which is great. A volunteer will look at it when they get a chance and it will either be rejected or added. You've done all that you can do at this point :) .
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.