Site Submission Question


Jun 22, 2005
I have a couple questions about my site submission. Sadly, I do know that no one will tell me the status but I am hoping for a little clarification.

My website us

I am a little scared because I submitted it more than once. :eek: The reason I did this was because I read here about the timeframe. I refers to 2 weeks on that page but here in the forum I am seeing that it takes MUCH longer than that. I obviously never would have resubmitted had I known that in the first place. I didn't find the forum until after my site had been submitted. I do apologize for the multiple submissions.

On this page , the guidelines refer to sites selling one product. My site currently sells a complete product line, but from only one manufacturer. Is this a problem? I see other sites selling only this product line listed in dmoz when I do a search for "little giant ladder". On the same page, the guidlines state, "However, individual product sites offering substantial information, tips, advice, and usage information for consumers are generally acceptable." We pride ourselves on offering more information about the product than even the manufacturer! We also have a ladder safety library and ladder news section along with press releases. Does this help my site even though we offer only a line of products from one manufacturer?

Lastly, I noticed in my logs that someone went to my site from the editor section of dmoz and only looked at the homepage and the contact us page. Would that be enough to determine if my site is good enough? Are phone numbers required on a website? I only list a mailing address and an email address.

Thank you for your time.


Mar 25, 2002

I am not going to review your site - because that is going to be up to the editor that reviews the site.

bigdeals said:
I am a little scared because I submitted it more than once.
Won't be a problem - two submissions to the same category doth not in our eyes a spammer make.

Lastly, I noticed in my logs that someone went to my site from the editor section of dmoz and only looked at the homepage and the contact us page. Would that be enough to determine if my site is good enough? Are phone numbers required on a website? I only list a mailing address and an email address.
My guess is that the editor was just doing a quick check on the site to see if:
1. It works
2. Whether it has been submitted to the correct category.

Sometimes this latter relies on the location of the business - it is not necessarily required to get a listing.

[quoteThank you for your time.[/QUOTE]You are welcome.


Jun 22, 2005
Thanks Alucard!

I feel a little better! Hopefully, I didn't upset anybody with my submission boo-boo. I guess I will just wait and see what happens.

Any idea about the guidelines regarding product lines from a single manufacturer?


Jan 23, 2003
That would probably be best left to the actual site reviewer who will look for unique content in the totality of the website.
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