Site Submission Status ( )


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I've moved the site to the Misplaced category, because that category isn't, I believe, anywhere close to correct and I couldn't offhand find a better one. There is no ergonomics/personal pages category; I don't see an appropriate place in Health, but I don't know that area well. You might try resubmitting to if you can't find a better place. Or you can wait for an editor with a clue (in the right place) to hunt down the right category.


Mar 15, 2004
Actually the heath cat wouldn't really be a good spot it seems to be for proper academic/research/medical information, rather than a personal extrapolation of experience. Nor is the computer hardware cat really a great spot as that's more of an evaluation of tech specs and performance.

Frankly, it's not a lot different than many other personal web pages I've run across expressing opinion based on personal experience on similar topics.


Curlie Meta
Jul 25, 2003
You might try Society/Issues/Health but I fear that isn't a correct category either. Callimachus is correct that we dont list this type of sites in Health. It would almost qualify for Health/Alternative_Medicine except that I wouldn't know in which subcategory to place it.


Jul 5, 2004
OK, thank you all for responding.

I'm still not sure where best to re-submit it. All things considered, isn't computer-human interaction the most appropriate category after all?

In response to Callimachus, the reason I created the site altogether, was only due to the vacuum (i.e. nobody was bridging the gap of consolidating all possibilities. It's the classic tale of the elephant & blind men each of whom has a different theory regarding what he's touching. Just take a look at all the formal & informal links on my site - and you'll get the picture.

In fact, I'm still in the process of trying to get to the bottom of this issue, having wasted endless time, expense, and disillusionment on it. That's what galvanized me.

I would LOVE it if someone would create a more professional site than mine, so that everyone with computer health issues could have a stable forum (complete with computer engineering and optometric experts) from which to get feedback and swap grass-roots experiences. Note that I'd been in email correspondence with someone who's a lighting and optical expert and she suggested I start a Yahoo photosensitivity group - even offering to be a moderator. But I declined, because I didn't think I could handle it. (As it is, you may note my signature in the board linked to the site - Administrate sporadically, due to monitor health issues

P.S. You may not believe this, but someone just emailed me thanking me for my article and when I asked how she found it (since as far as I knew, it hadn't yet been indexed on DMOZ or Google etc.) she responded that she found it via Google. For crying out loud - only a few days ago I checked, and it wasn't on Google, and now, practically simultaneous to posting on your board, voila!

Is your board magic or what? ;)
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