Site Submission Status & Questions


Dec 1, 2004


This is my first time using a Forum so I'd like to apologize in advance in case I don't do this correctly.

So here goes. I submitted my site to ODP about 3 months ago and I just checked again but my site still isn't listed. I reviewed the Site Selection Criteria and I have not violated any of the rules.

However, in my haste and excitement about submitting (ODP was my first submission) I overlooked Step 4 which states that site descriptions should not be promotional in nature. Well, I'm afraid mine did seem a bit promotional which I later realized. So I waited about 2 month and resubmitted with a more accurate description. I was following the advice of a couple of internet marketing books which recommended that you resubmit after about 1 month.
Of course I have since learned that resubmission is also a no-no.

So I'm wondering if I was denied submission because of my faux pas or for some other reason or if my site is still waiting to be reviewed.

Could you please check the status of my site
It was submitted to:

My site is pretty cool, it's full of unique content, has a professional look, and is super easy to navigate. I would very much like to be included in the ODP but I don't want to resubmit and risk upsetting anyone. So I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Is it possible that my site wasn't listed because there are so many sites in the category I chose? Do you think it would be beneficial to resubmit in a smaller category? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help,


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It is waiting there for review.

You don't need to defend your site here, we probably won't be reviewing it just for a status request.

No, the sheer number of sites already in the category won't preclude reviewing more: the way the directory grows is by splitting overlarge categories -- but, now that you mention it, it looks like it's time for an alphabar there.

There is a lot of competition, as you see: that may mean there are potentially many other sites in front of yours (in whatever order our volunteers choose to review sites in that category.) But that won't prevent a listing for a site of a person (or company) that offers unique products and/or services.


Dec 1, 2004
Thank You

Thank you for all your help and for the speedy response. I feel much better now.

Spyderlady :)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.