site submission status


Apr 8, 2004
Please read the forum guidelines and provide the required clickable link to the category you submitted.


status of

:confused: :(

Please give me the status of the submission for

Here is the clickable link.

Once again, dmoz is dropping the ball. Why don't you all just shut down dmoz if you can't manage it. Why is it that nearly every submission seems to go into the black hole and never gets posted until I continue to hound the volunteer.


Jun 24, 2003
The site is awaiting review in the category you mentioned. The submission date is from last month, you have no reason to complain.
Why don't you all just shut down dmoz if you can't manage it.
Why do you submit if you don't like it? There are many other ways to promote your site.
until I continue to hound the volunteer
As far as I'm concerned, the last submitter who tried this about two years ago is still waiting for his site to be reviewed. And since there are many other sites to review around, this is not likely to change.


I submitted the site to the following category.

Top: Shopping: Home and Garden: Furniture: Bedroom (209)

It has been well over a month and a couple submission requests with no reply. Please give us the status.

thank you,


Aug 14, 2002
You should use the same thread for follow-up requests.

I would go over and post in your previous thread - but you were given a reply by a meta over there. I guess you just missed it.

I suggest you bookmark that thread so you'll know where to find it should you need it again.

PS - You should not keep resubmitting, it just puts you at the bottom of the date sorted queue.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
You were just given a status on June 17, why ask again five days later?

I have merged your two threads together, please bookmark this thread and refrain from starting new threads on the same topic.

You are next eligible for a status check on December 18, 2004 if you do not see the site listed by then.

It might also be worth mentioning that listings are free. When someone submits a site it is just a suggestion, no site is guaranteed a listing. Editors are volunteer and are within their rights to edit as their free time allows. The purpose of the ODP is to serve the end-user with quality websites to view. It is not to serve the submittor. It is nice that sometimes our needs coincide, but submissions are not the only way we add sites, editors are encouraged to find quality sites on their own.


OK. I did not see the earlier reply, that is why I asked for the status again. I appolagize if I offended anyone by letting you know my frustration with dmoz over the past 5 or so years. I am just following the guidlines that say, "If a site you submitted has not been listed after a month, you may check its status at the dmoz public forums." Wouldn't that suggest to you that most sites should be posted within a month. I guess I may be overly skeptical because it is under a volunteers discretion, and not necessarily a formal procedure. One volunteer basically told me if I didn't shut up my site will not be review for 2 years or more. Anyway, I will do as you wish. Submit & wait....even though the guidlines say "If a site you submitted has not been listed after a month, you may check its status at the dmoz public forums", you will be told to continue waiting and you may not ask for the status again for 6 months.

Anyway, we will just wait as you wish.


Jun 14, 2004

In case you missed it, this was at the end of one of the post responses to your request. It was in small print and I overlooked it the first time I read it. I believe this answers part of the issue in question (the guidelines on when to submit requests issue) to at least clarify that part.


"Please see Delay between follow-up requests increased to six months as the policy regarding the amount of time between status updates has been changed due to the increasing number of follow-up requests in this forum and the limited editor time available for handling such requests. Thank you."


Jun 24, 2003
I am just following the guidlines that say, "If a site you submitted has not been listed after a month, you may check its status at the dmoz public forums." Wouldn't that suggest to you that most sites should be posted within a month.
No. It just means what it says, nothing else. Status requests are completely unrelated to 'time to review'.
One volunteer basically told me if I didn't shut up my site will not be review for 2 years or more.
If you're talking about my post in item4 here, then please read again what I wrote, and in what context. "Until I continue to hound the volunteer" is more than just a complaint, it's a threat to harass editors. Complaining or voicing frustration might be tolerated to a certain degree, although it's usually ignored if not constructive. Threatening crosses the line of what is acceptable, and those who think that harassing editors is an option are likely to obtain the opposite result of what they wanted.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
In case you missed it, this was at the end of one of the post responses to your request. It was in small print and I overlooked it the first time I read it. I believe this answers part of the issue in question (the guidelines on when to submit requests issue) to at least clarify that part.

Just to clarify, the reason it is in small print is because it is at the bottom of my signature as not to overwhelm what I say since it shows up every time I post. This announcement shows up at the top off all threads in the main forum and each subforum like this:
Delay between follow-up requests increased to six months.
We do understand that this is a new policy and not everyone is aware. That is why I included it on my signature is just a reminder of the main announcement which is posted as prominently as it can be. ;)


Jun 14, 2004
I was not complaining about the small print, simply pointing out to a fellow forum member that he, like my self may not have been aware of the change and perhaps, as I did he may not have paid any attention to your signature. I was just pointing it out for his benifit and trying to help the situation with my :2cents: 2 cents. I fully understand that you are trying to help by placing that message in your signature for our benifit, however I have grown accustomed to disregarding/ignoring poster's signatures as they are normally useless pieces of text that the author adds for their own amusement.

I know that the dmoz staff are extremly busy and are trying to answer everyone's requests as quickly as possible. When requests are repeated time and time again it is, I am sure a hassle and frustrating. I also can see the point of Humbleabode, that he was confused about what the procedures were. He did not word his post very well either, I would assume do to his frustration. I am sure he did not intend to offend anyone with his comments but apparently that is what indeed happend.

Leaving this particular thread aside, because your posts have all been professional and courteous. I have seen many posts in other threads where the responses to the requests are met with extreme sarcasm and down right angry responses from the editors. I utilize many forums such as this for many different aspects of computing and business, and there are (in my opinion) some very angry people posting responses to questions with posts that are more harsh than necessary. I also know that there are some plain stupid people out here that don't follow rules, are not polite themselves for whatever reason and whom feel that a free service should treat them like they were paying $1000/month. They need to gain a little more patience and courtesy as well.

Hopefully this will be better with the enactment of the new 6 month between status request policy (which I fully agree is a fair time to wait for a free service) for both sides. ;)

Sorry for confusion on my part. I hope this post did not offend anyone. If it did, please accept my apologies for it was not my attention.



Jun 14, 2004
On a Lighter note to Kokopeli

On a lighter note, the Warrior Kokopeli blessed us with our first child one year ago. Your avatar is adorable, I hope she is really yours. :)



Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
the Warrior Kokopeli blessed us with our first child one year ago. Your avatar is adorable, I hope she is really yours.

Congrads on your little one! Our two must be about the same age then. The avatar is my daughter, Kinsey, who turned one last Saturday. That picture was taken 2 weeks ago, I'm not sure what she was doing--but she did it just as the guy was about to take her picture. It was too darn cute not to include here! :)


Jun 14, 2004
I agree, couldn't pass up showing that one off! We celebrated my son Ian's 1st Birthday last Saturday, but his birthday was actually Sunday. Made Fathers Day extra special.

Ian is pictured in attachment below if interested.

Ain't life grand!

AW :)
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