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No its a completely different site with some new content in the info pages section. It also includes a different pricing strategy and also it is designed to reach people searching for life insurance rather than life assurance. The most important aspect however is that it is to be used as a multi use financial website with several additional services from mortgages to mortgage payment protection. The two sites are hosted completely seperately on different IP addresses. The deeplinking only refers to the bare bones of the quotation engine, they are in no means the same site... they design wise look a little similar but that is only because they were designed by the same person- although in the next couple of months that too will change. The administration of both sites is run by the same company but the two sites are completely seperate.


Ok, if that is your position that is your position.... What then must i change/ add in order for it to be listed in DMOZ ?
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.