site submission status



Could anyone inform me about the status of the site which I submitted about 5-6 weeks ago to computers>software>shareware>windows>graphics>mathematical graphing.
Later I realized that it would be more appropriate to put it in Science>Math>Software. I sent the following email to the editor of that category on 26 august 2003.
Dear Matthew,
I submitted about 2 weeks ago (I understand it takes about 3 weeks to be adopted in the directory).
I wonder if you would be so kind to accept a new (and better) title, description and category for Mathgrapher.
Title: Mathgrapher
Mathematical graphing tool for 2D and 3D functions and data. Includes nonlinear curve fitting and integration of coupled ordinary differential equations. Study chaos in dynamical systems.

As you see it would probably fit best in the category science>math>software since it deals with graphing (2d and 3d), curve fitting and chaos (see the ODE examples in the website).
Nico Roos
I have not yet received any answer or othersign of life from ODP.
Could anyone please inform me about the status of this submission?


Mar 19, 2003
Time taken for review can vary widely from around ten minutes to over a year - it is impossible to give any more accurate figure than that since it depends entirely on when a volunteer editor decides to look at the pool of sites that you're in and then whether they decide to review your site in particular.

We can see from the editor notes that your site has not yet been touched. I would suggest that you bookmark this thread and ask back here again in one to two months' time.

With regard to your category issue, I suggest that you submit your site to Science/Math/Software if you haven't already, including in the description field a note to the editor to say that it would fit better there than the Computers category and referring to this thread.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.