Site submission


Oct 27, 2006
I have a question about a site submission.

About 6 months ago, and also about 1 month ago, I submitted my website "The Meeting Point EU" at <url removed> for inclusion into the registry at Society: Relationships: Dating: Personals: International.

The website is International, for Europe, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Asia, Eastern Europe. Our members are individually approved and we only accept serious announcements. We very often decline memberships because they are not serious, or they are trying to run scams.

We do not allow pornographic content or photos. Only portrait photos are allowed.

My question is, why was my website not added to your registery? Do you require a certain page rank? Who do I have to take out to dinner? I'm sorry but I just don't understand this.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> My question is, why was my website not added to your registery?
Most probably because it is not reviewed yet.

> Do you require a certain page rank?
No, we don not care about pagerank at all. Only availbale content on the website is of interest.

> Who do I have to take out to dinner?
If you are looking for a dinerdate you have much better chances to find one on your own site. ;)

> I'm sorry but I just don't understand this.
I think reading our FAQ will help you to understand better


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The Personals section of the directory is one of the more heavily spammed sections of the directory and, as a result, few editors (relatively speaking) want to spend a great deal of time there. Hence, there can be a long wait for a suggested site to be reviewed. You've done all you can by suggesting your site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Look at it this way. You know that niche, right? You can't possibly have missed how many scams of every kind there are in that neighborhoold.

Because, no matter HOW you look for that kind of sites, 99 of a hundred are going to be scams pure and simple.

Read that again, as many times as it takes, for this ramification to sink in: no matter how ANYONE (you or a surfer or an ODP editor) looks for that kind of content, 99% of the stuff is obvious scamming.

Now think, and ask yourself: HOW is the editor going to find your site? There's only one way, no matter WHERE he looks, Google or ODP submittals or wherever: he can only find a possibly good site by carefully analyzing 99 (or more) scam sites.

Look at it from the editor's perspective: is it worth it, to eat your way through 99 dead-baby scams: obvious scams and not-so-obvious scams and obscurely-scammy spam to find that one site which (after half an hour or more of careful analysis) you can't prove isn't just another scam, just a little bit more subtle than the others?

It takes a special kind of editor to take on such an unproductive task, for what is ultimately such an unsatisfying conclusion. We don't have many such editors, and there are many other niches where spams and scams are similarly disproportionately represented (think: mail-order prescription drugs.)

But matters are worse than that. Look at it from a surfer's perspective: is it really worthwhile to hunt through thousands of separate classified-dating-ads sites, knowing up front that nearly all of them will be fraudulently advertised affiliate doorways, and nearly all the rest will be pure scams ... when there are a half-dozen or so established, reputable sites? When giving away personal information, surely a reasonable person would want to stick with sites that have a reputation? (And the editors are aware of that perspective!)

So, to summarize: you're wondering why nobody has gone through thousands of sleazy scam sites, to find a handful of sites that ... wouldn't be useful to a sensible surfer anyway?

I'm not wondering, not at all.

And I'm amazed at the amount of editing work that DOES get done in that area -- considering the miniscule social benefit attainable (but then, I don't understand what drives some of my fellow editors either!)

The world is a strange place. Enjoy it, but don't expect to understand it.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Who do I have to take out to dinner?
Just to point out that we have a zero tolerance attitude to abuse and corruption and that includes offers of benefits in kind. You might have thought that you were being amusing but, on that topic, we don't have a sense of humour.


Apr 5, 2004
That's not the point jimnoble was making.

Any suggestion of favours or offers to pay for a listing are taken very seriously and are in fact offensive to volunteer editors, so jokes along those lines are best avoided. Thanks.


Jul 16, 2004
North Carolina
I see your point. I just didn't think he was really serious about it. But then again, now that this was even brought up, I might be interested in seeing if any female editors are available. lol j/k.


Oct 27, 2006
Don't use this type of sentence

Who do I have to take out to dinner? I'm sorry but I just don't understand this.
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