Site submission



My site was submitted over 4 months ago to , The category had an editor before, and now it doesn't, when I request the submission status every month, editors reply that it's still waiting. I was wondering if the reason for my site not being included is that there is no editor or becuase I used SEO company in the beginning to help me (I no longer use them) and maybe they used spam or other tricks to promote my site. If they did something wrong I would like to apologize for that.



Mar 25, 2002
I'm not going to comment on your specific case, because that has been done in the site submission forum.

No, none of the factors that you mentioned affect getting a listing or not. The only one of those that *could* would be if there were many many submissions, maybe deeplinks, to different categories. But even then, if the site contains worthwhile data, it would still be considered for a listing.

Some parts of the directory are more active than others, depending upon the interests of the editors in that area, or the metas and editalls that can edit anywhere in the directory.

If you have an interest in this area, and can work impartially, might I suggest that you find a small category somewhere in your field of interest and apply to edit it? We can always use new editors, especially in areas of the directory which don't get much attention.

There are plenty of threads to read on this subject on this board.
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