Site Suggestion and Newbie Editors categories



I've recently re-applied to become an editor, probably for the second or third time for the same category over the past year. I've since discovered this site and reading the FAQ it says that it may be difficult for newbie editors to get accepted into a category that is prone to abuse i.e. it needs an existing and more experienced editor. This time I've tried to give a bit more information about myself and how I can help with maintaining the category, but I'm thinking is this ultimately a futile exercise. The category in question, from my experience of the subject matter, is prone to such abuse unfortunately and I do have business affiliation with the subject matter.

I also have a question about the URL suggestion on the application form. I only suggested two this time as I could only think of two that aren't listed that are useful websites\resources. How does a prospective editor find websites that aren't listed but are useful resources? Is it based on your own knowledge and\or extensive web searching? Contrarily, prospective category editors for categories whose subject matter is unique are going to have difficulty finding unlisted sites worthy of inclusion if the majority are already listed. Unless I've got the whole URL suggestion concept wrong!




Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
If you would have supplied the category in question, we could have a look...

To the question Where does an editor get new sites from?

In some parts of the directory, loads of sites are submitted by users. There you will never have a problem. In other parts (usually the noncommercial ones) editors have to search for sites. Use Search-Engines to look for new entries. Find link-lists on other sites and look if you can use some of the sites linked there.

In fact very often the most usefull categories to the end user are those where an editor searched for sites and listed them.

Usually, if no new entries for a category can be found, it is a sign that the category does not need an editor. Someone already did the work and found all entries. If applying to be an editor of course you cant use sites already submitted. So its best to start with a category you can find some sites and have fun building. Maybe your hometown or something related with your hobbies.


Feb 1, 2003
How does a prospective editor find websites

For a Regional category for your hometown, you can probably find stuff just by keeping your eyes open. Scan through the display ads in the Yellow Pages and the local newspaper. Watch for URLs displayed on the sides of delivery vans and workmen's trucks. Check the local Chamber of Commerce web site and see if it has a directory with links.

I'll probably submit an application for my hometown category in the next week or so. The day I started thinking seriously about this, a week ago, I happened to visit my doctor. I picked up a flyer in his group practice's office, and lo and behold, they have a web site which isn't in DMOZ yet. This is a small town, with only about 20 sites listed, but even without trying very hard I've found four unlisted sites so far.
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