Site Suggestion


Jan 27, 2012
Website: <URL removed>

I tried to get this site listed 1.5 years ago in this category to no avail. The site has been around over 6 years, has solid content, a Google PR of 3, and an attorney with a great reputation in the area.

I have found what appears to be the appropriate area to suggest a website for one of my clients, however this category does not appear to have an editor and does not appear to have been updated in 3 years. Should I find another category that has an editor and has been updated recently. Or should I go ahead and list the website in this category?

Any suggestions/ help would be greatly appreciated as I'm a little confused on what to do now.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
There must be hundreds of millions of websites that we haven't yet evaluated and there's no reason to believe that yours has exceptional merit pre-evaluation.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Jan 27, 2012

I guess I'm wondering if a category hasn't been updated for 2.5 years and there does not appear to be an editor for the category should I find another category to submit too? Especially if there is 100's of millions of sites that haven't been evaluated it might be wise on my part to find a category with an editor that has at least approved a website in the last 2 and a half years. I am not suggesting that my site has exceptional merit although some sites in this category have been included that have attorneys that have far less experience in practice and time on the internet.

Thank you for your understanding



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If you deliberately suggest your website to the wrong category, some editor will eventually notice it and move it towards the correct one. Eventually, it'll get to the right place - where it will wait for some editor to process it. Not only unproductive but a pointless consumption of our scarce editorial resources :(.

We have over a million categories and we have fewer than 10,000 editors to look after them. Some 200 of us have global permissions and can edit in any category that we wish - and we do. In short, no category is without an editor so please just stick with the T&C that you agreed and don't try to game the system.


Jan 27, 2012

Obviously, I am not as knowledgable about DMOZ as you are that is why I am asking the questions. My website is applicable to several categories therefore, I am somewhat confused as to the suggestion that I would try to "game the system". I am asking questions to clarify some confusion. The following appear to be facts.
  • An editor is not listed in this category
  • The category does not appear to have been updated in 2.5 years

Therefore, maybe I should ask the question a different way. If I check back in say 1 year and the category has still not been updated how long should I continue to wait 2 years, 5 years, 15 years, 30 years, etc.? If it takes say 20 years to get my site into this particular category it may only take say 2 years if I suggested it too another applicable category which has an editor and has been updated recently. This seems to be a better use of my firms resources than waiting 20 years. I am not asking for guarantees just requesting some answers, because I have had people in other categories tell me they have waited less than 1 month and they were included in the DMOZ directory.

Thank you for your understanding and have a great day.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
My website is applicable to several categories therefore,
That is impossible.
A website can only be applicable for one (1) topical category and for one (1) regional category at most.
If a webiste has both a topical and regional relevance you may suggest it twice, one times for the topic and one time for the regional location.
If a website has content in more than one language the number of applicable categories applies for each language.

The following appear to be facts.
  • An editor is not listed in this category
  • The category does not appear to have been updated in 2.5 years
Yes, and neither of them gives you any prediction of when a suggested website will be reviewed. It could be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, or even longer. Nobody does know, not even us editors.

Therefore, maybe I should ask the question a different way. If I check back in say 1 year and the category has still not been updated how long should I continue to wait 2 years, 5 years, 15 years, 30 years, etc.? If it takes say 20 years to get my site into this particular category it may only take say 2 years if I suggested it too another applicable category which has an editor and has been updated recently. This seems to be a better use of my firms resources than waiting 20 years.
I know even a better use of your firms resources. Do not worry about being inlcuded in DMOZ. No need to check if your sites is listed every som much months. It won't have any effect on the review. I guess there are many more things you could do that are usefull.

I am not asking for guarantees just requesting some answers, because I have had people in other categories tell me they have waited less than 1 month and they were included in the DMOZ directory.
Sure. As every editor works as much as he wants and in categories he wants (as far as he har rights for those categories) some websites will be reviewed within a month of suggestion and other will not have been reviewed after two years. Even better, some websites will be reviewed without being suggested at all as editors can go out on the web to find websites themself instead of using the pool of suggested websites.
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