site suggestions <url removed>


Aug 7, 2007

I am hoping to understand what I can do to improve our chances of having our site <url removed> hosted on dmoz.

We have been an active and successful site for several years but though I have submitted our site in the past, we do not seem to get listed.

There was never feedback as to why we were not listed, though I think when we did first try there was no editor for our forum.

We are primarily a USA and Canada job site so if you are checking us out, you might want to select USA as the country you are looking at. USA is also the only country that currently supports our careed tools.

Let me know what you think or what we can do to have our dmoz post go through. I appreciate your suggestions.



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
jeichels said:

I am hoping to understand what I can do to improve our chances of having our site <url removed> hosted on dmoz.

We have been an active and successful site for several years but though I have submitted our site in the past, we do not seem to get listed.
If the site is listable per the Guidelines and its not listed, the most probable reason is that no one has reviewed it yet. You cannot improve your chances of being included as that is determined by the content on the site based on the guidelines we use for inclusion. You can improve your chances of a review by following the advice given on the Submission Instructions that you agree to having read when you suggest a site. There is also a thread here that offers some good advice.

jeichels said:
There was never feedback as to why we were not listed, though I think when we did first try there was no editor for our forum.
There is never any feedback about a site suggestion. If we can use your suggestion the site will be included, if the not then we thank you for your suggestion (via the thank you page you see after you suggest a site) and move on. Whether a category has a named editor or not is irrelevant. Any one of 200+ editors with directory wide permissions can work in that category as well as any editor listed higher above in the category branch.
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