Site times out when attempting to suggest URL


Aug 17, 2007
When I attempt to suggest a URL for inclusion into DMOZ, I am receiving a 500 error. This happens on both of my computers which are on the same connection. I use Cox for an ISP, which has DNS problems it seems like quite often lol.

Is there an e-mail address to which I can send the site's URL and its details to submit it?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I couldn't find any similar problems in the forum, but maybe it's because all of the 'What is my submission's status?' threads are crowind it up! haha


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I've just tried to suggest a site somewhere randomly as a test. It appeared to work fine and I got the "submission received" screen almost straight away. It could well be n intermittent problem with your ISP or something at our end. I suggest that you try again later. If it's still not working come back here and let us know the category you're trying to suggest the site to (a clickable link would be nice) and also the exact text of the error message you're getting.

Is there an e-mail address to which I can send the site's URL and its details to submit it?
I'm afraid not -- or it would rapidly become clogged up!
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