site update mistake


Aug 2, 2004
The FAQs say that if you suggest a site update it should take about 2 weeks to review. I've been trying to change the domain on my site for over a year with no luck.

I have 2 domains, one is for direct consumer sales of my product ( and the other is an official industry site ( 2 completly different sites with different info, layout etc. (Not mirrors). They were both listed but then the offical site was removed and I don't know why.

What happened is the official site was removed and the secondary site left. So I really need the industry site listed, even if they have to remove the secondary consumer site to do so.

Is there anything I can do ? PLEASE


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We call sites like this "fraternal mirrors." That is, they aren't identical, but they both contain (fragments of) information about the same business. (To understand our viewpoint, suppose you wrote two autobiographies "with completely idfferent information": one told your birthdate, the other your birthplace. One mentioned your father's name, the other your mother's name. One mentioned your older brother, the other, your younger sister, and so on. A biography, thus fragmented, is LESS useful to surfers than a single integrated document -- and therefore, it certainly shouldn't receive MORE ODP listings. (The fact that each biography is "targeted to one gender group" isn't germane to us. The ODP is for surfers targeting sites, not the other way around.) So, we try to pick the best MAIN biography; we figure it's your responsibility to link the various shards of your mirror together somehow.

So, the first order of business is for you to make sure that a visitor (to EITHER site!) knows which site is the main business site. (How you do that is your own business, but it needn't be a big deal. It's basic information an honest business will give somewhere anyway. My employer is a company with thousands of employers spread out over dozens of offices -- with multiple product lines and websites. I'm not involved with website design here, and I don't recommend those websites as design models. But -- go to any of them, and you can find your way to the corporate home page. And it's pretty clear which is the product site and which, the company site.) If that is straight, the ODP listing will follow (eventually). The next step, then, would be to suggest an "update listing". The purpose of this is to let the editor know that listing might profit from a re-review -- hopefully making a quicker review possible.

But there's nothing you can do to control the editor. The decision will be based on the site itself, not on the suggestion. (The purpose of the suggestion is informational -- to draw attention to a possible problem in the listing -- not managerial -- to assign a task to a menial.)

Finally, it is true that updates are usually reviewed faster than new-site suggestions. But you simply cannot assume any specific priority or any specific deadline, because nothing like that exists.


Jan 4, 2005
Not always?

You can lookup CNN ( 10000) results
Siemens and Philips and also other smaller Company's.

Its not common to have alway's for different products, brands, branches a main site.

Also to be found in DMOZ for unique or extra rich content in DMOZ (as the articles of cnn are) its common that visitors / custommers entry pages ( domains) are for the ones for that different products or branches!

That's also what the ( other) SE results are and they are looking searching for in SE.

So why is DMOZ not following these rules as they do sometimes, but also sometimes making problems with others.

If a company has two brands for example bicycles ( gazel and batav) people are searching for batav bikes do not like to have an entry through xxx company that does Gazel and batav on a main page that is then also reason for misunderstanding, because the two brands are not the same.

And if that company also sells xxx brand cars there should be an domain for that in SE and DMOZ?

There are company's selling bikes and cars also having more brands and domains.

So why smaller company's have more problems to get in DMOZ with a kind off the same bussines models?

please give some clearness in this mather, why some yes and others no?


If everyone (editor) is doing/folowing exact the same rules but with different results it is not 100% OK?

See also here same discuss


Aug 2, 2004
thanks but I think you misunderstand

Thanks for the info but I don't believe my sites are fragmentsed mirrors. Let me explain.

One site ( has ALL the info, if fully comprehensive and is the official domain as set out my our corporate head office for email and everything else. It includes message boards, live press sections, photogalleries, product review etc. (I you could equate this to '')

The other site,, is a striped down version to only sell the product online. (this would be like Unfortunatly, this is the one listed and it is nowhere near as comprehensive or complete as

Ideally I would like both sites listed, but if this is not possible, I would really like just the as he has far better and more up-to-date info for the user.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The ODP leans over way backwards to give special consideration to small companies. One person with his own business can easily have better ODP representation than any one of the thousands of people at my company, better ODP representation than nearly all of the thousands of contributors to Project Gutenberg.

The ODP doesn't list "business models" at all. It lists websites with significant unique information. It's rather easier for Ford Motor Company, with tens of thousands of employees, to produce multiple sites with volumes of significant information, than it is for you or me alone. That's not the ODP working against you, that's the power of cooperation.


Jan 4, 2005
So wrong and right.

hutcheson said:
The ODP leans over way backwards to give special consideration to small companies. One person with his own business can easily have better ODP representation than any one of the thousands of people at my company, better ODP representation than nearly all of the thousands of contributors to Project Gutenberg.

The ODP doesn't list "business models" at all. It lists websites with significant unique information. It's rather easier for Ford Motor Company, with tens of thousands of employees, to produce multiple sites with volumes of significant information, than it is for you or me alone. That's not the ODP working against you, that's the power of cooperation.

Only one Person and his / here message could be more important than every other business models you're talking about.

Also one single very important invention for mankind could be from 1 single person.

It's not the quantity but quality your rulez saying these also.
Not the design but the content and so on.

But see also my reply in the other topic what should be really important in a "nearly" perfect SE for visitors searching on the net.

Thanks again


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We aren't talking about business models. We won't talk about business models. We won't care about business models.

We care about information.

In the end, as you say, information comes from a person. "All sites are personal." So, what unique information comes originally for you? if there is any such information, is it online? if so, what URL is the most convenient entry point for the various pages that uniquely contain that unique information?

That's what the editor will be asking. On the site, not in a forum, is WHERE the editor will be asking.

Well, that gives you basically all the practical information you need to know about the ODP. Your site is your own: you can take advantage of this information on it, or not. It is always your choice, because it's your website.


Jan 4, 2005

hutcheson said:
We aren't talking about business models. We won't talk about business models. We won't care about business models.

We care about information.

In the end, as you say, information comes from a person. "All sites are personal." So, what unique information comes originally for you? if there is any such information, is it online? if so, what URL is the most convenient entry point for the various pages that uniquely contain that unique information?

That's what the editor will be asking. On the site, not in a forum, is WHERE the editor will be asking.

Well, that gives you basically all the practical information you need to know about the ODP. Your site is your own: you can take advantage of this information on it, or not. It is always your choice, because it's your website.

I know that is clear.

But still i don't have to think the same way.
And i don''t have too because i am not an editor.

This is OK for me because there is more in a live as you go outside on a clear night and looking at the stars thinking how little/small we are as humans in the total picture.
Then almost every things else is Ok, because we are alive, have a living, and so much better then a lot of people seeing alsmost every night the stars, thinking o what are we small i wish i could fly to that and star to forgot my missery and so on.

And ofcourse you al have i nice look at the stars with in your mind how good you have it here. ( assuming that if you can read this ( so have internet and computer) you are choosen to be one off the happy few on this world)

Thanks for giving me the oportunity the practise some English though not very well.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, your priorities are your own. I don't think many webmasters miss THAT point. What often doesn't sink in well is that -- editors' priorities are their own also. And the ODP is (in a circular way) a product of editor priorities -- which was the intention.


Aug 2, 2004

I'm completly lost as to what it is you two guys are talking about (way too deep for this feeble minded webmaster). All I want to know is if I violated something to get my company's main site removed or how I update the other site to the correct domain.

The FAQs say site updates should take about 2 weeks and it's been over a year. I figured the delay was because the ODP is understaffed for editors, so have offered my services and expertise as an editor, a number of times but I keep getting denied. Seams like a little private club that us meer mortals are not allowed into.

<redacted--TOS violation>

Many thanks.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>All I want to know is if I violated something to get my company's main site removed ...

You didn't ask THAT before. But the answer is: "yes, you did, check out the submittal policies." You suggested two related URLs; the editor always has to pick the best URL to represent any particular content; in this case apparently the "other" one was chosen.

>or how I update the other site to the correct domain.

This was answered before. "... first ... make sure that a visitor (to EITHER site!) knows which site is the main business site....then ... suggest an 'update listing'."

You were cautioned: "... there's nothing you can do to control the editor." In other words, just because you make a suggestion, won't mean the editor has to think it's a good idea.

In fact, most suggestions we get are bad ideas, which is why we check everything on the website.

All that matters is what's on the website. Because our users don't see forum discussions, they only see what's on the website.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.