Site Update



I have just tried to update the URL for my site and when I insert the old URL I receive the following message:
The site is not listed in this category

This is in the "Shopping: Crafts: Leather" category.

I realize that this is a deep link from reading the posts in this forum and wanted to change it to the home page of the site.

There used to be a listing to the home page and it disappeared a few days ago.
I do not want to violate any of the rules and I'm trying to comply, but I can't update the listing.
Any help or suggestions would be great.



Thank you so much for the quick reply and good news.
I am a craftsman and it is a craft site, but if the editors need to move it then that's fine with me.

Thanks again



Jun 16, 2003
Seems like you've got a good point to me, but I admit to being "ontologically challenged".

We have a couple crack shopping editors who frequent this forum. Maybe one will come along and clarify the issue.


Well, I just took a peak at the new description that is in the new listing and it is much better then the old one.
It just struck me as funny as I'm standing at my leather bench working on a pile of belts and answering email on a laptop and the crafter comment gave me a chuckle.

Also the category I'm being moved to was where my main URL was listed to begin with and then the someone added the link to the belt directory. Then a week or so ago the first listing was removed and the second listing is being changed and moved to the place the first one was located.

I'll admit, I know nothing on the inner working of the DMOZ.
As long as it all works out I'm a happy craftsman.
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