site updated - can't find it anymore


Feb 8, 2007
Greetings from Australia!

I had a website for a client that was listed in

I recently did a redesign for the site as it changed its direction and focus. And consequently I submitted an update request for the site to get its description changed.

The next day the site was gone from that category. I wasn't too surprised (possibly at the speed of it being edited though! :p) because the website's focus had changed from jewellery+other spiritual stuff to just jewellery.

Looking at various categories related to jewellery and new age shopping, and also looking at regional Australian ones (although, since the shopping cart is available for anyone worldwide to use it shouldn't really be there) I can't find the site.

Using the search obviously brings the old location up because its using an old index, so I can't use the search to find where it is now (assuming its still in there).

I was just wondering if anyone had some tips on what I can do to, The actual content of the website is exactly the same as before, it just looks different, so I don't see a reason why it would be deleted altogether...


Robert Moore


Oct 29, 2006
I recently did a redesign for the site as it changed its direction and focus.
The actual content of the website is exactly the same as before, it just looks different
Which is it?

Seriously though if it was the first, and the site needed to be moved to another category, it would be sent there. Whether it was listed in the new category at the same time would depend on the editors permissions (can they list sites in the new category) and/or whether they felt it needed rereviewing in the new category prior to relisting

looking at regional Australian ones (although, since the shopping cart is available for anyone worldwide to use it shouldn't really be there)
It might, although without reviewing the site I can't give you a definitive answer. Sites that sell things online generally are listed in a shopping category
Basic rule of thumb if they ship internationally and that information is on the site they would be listed in the Shopping branch by product type.
If they only deliver to one country and that information is on the site they would be listed in a Country level shopping category (Regional/Oceania/Australia/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Appropriate_Sub_Category) (based on your comment above).
If none of that delivery information is on the site, and there is a physical presence (store, office, warehouse) they would normally be listed only in the Locality cateory for that presence.

Obviously this is not exaustive, but a broad brush overview.
I was just wondering if anyone had some tips on what I can do to,
Nothing else needs to be done, you suggested a site be re-reviewed, and it was. The result of that will only be obvious over time (it will either re-appear, appear in a new category, or continue to not be listed).

Hopefully our search function will be restored to a more current index soon, at present it is several months behing the actual category listings due to our system failure.

The Shopping FAQ might be worth a read as well
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.