Site validation methodology


Jul 28, 2009

I am the administrator of the site which provides free engines of an open fighting games for pc called mugen :
brokenMUGEN HR and BrokenMUGEN HD Engines.

I have asked to become editor for sites related to mugen and to be referenced in the section:

But it was refused.

I don't know who valid or invalid request, but the person who rejected us probably uses our engines because we are the only website worldwide, providing the game engine in the HD format.

References in mugen section are sites which are no longer maintained since over 2 years (mugen fury ...) and personals sites that contain two or three low-res characters (k-man. ..).
Refuse to refer the site which provides the state of art of engines used by amateurs that you reference seems to me strange ...

Comments are open.

Congratulations for your work on Dmoz.

Best regards.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
cedricg said:
I have asked to become editor for sites related to mugen and to be referenced in the section:

But it was refused.
The reason(s) for this refusal will have been specified in the email you received.

I don't know who valid or invalid request, but the person who rejected us probably uses our engines
Most probably this person does not use your engine at all. Why? Because people who do not play the game do not use the engine.

References in mugen section are sites which are no longer maintained
If there are any sites listed that should not be listed anymore you can help us by giving information about these sites in the Quality Control Feedback section of this forum.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.