Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday


May 16, 2002

has been listed for 2 years in the dhtml sub-catargory; a private email was sent the catagory editor expressing concern about the change in the "description" that was made yesterday, after seeing this link in my referrer logs and checking the new description.
(the new description said "several graphic examples" , there exists about 50 examples)

17 hours later the site was removed from the Dmoz directory (although it still shows up in Dmoz Search)

Partially because of the Dmoz listing, the site had a PageRank of 6 on Google.

The website was re-submitted a few minutes ago to the same directory.

Maybe, the deletion was a mistake - however, if not - it would be undemocratic if the simple act of politely critiquing a new description could prompt such a drastic measure.


Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday

I don't edit in that category but I looked at this thread because I deleted a LOT of sites yesterday and I thought it might be one of mine. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />

The url you give is currently showing a page not found error although the site is up. Generally, most editors do not list deep links - that may have been the problem, or it may have been moved.


May 16, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday

The website's url is

The site has been on Dmoz for 2 years. (it was accepted on the FIRST submission with LESS content)

The site was re-reviewed yesterday, and given a description that indicated "includes several graphic examples and basic explanation"

An private email was sent because there are 50 web pages of examples of dhtml, and a couple-hundred worded explanation, on the same page as the 50 links. Feeing that it was justified to Ask for a modification.

i used that form that is provided by Dmoz to email editors,
which offers the option to add your email address. I added my email address - no reply was sent. Would Not it have been courteous to do so, if a site was "Suddenly" going to be deleted.

I had looked at the other websites that were also listed and took notice of their content and their "deep links"
(most of them had deep links, and far less examples.)

The main site is focusing on General Web Site Development.

This dhtml website is focusing on Dhtml and is listed on many many many other directories and was given high ratings
by the visitors. (we were getting a sizable number of referrals/visits directly from the Dmoz and Google's Directories daily)

The website has a PageRank of 6 on Google. (which is Very Hard to obtain, and will go down as a result of Not being on Dmoz anymore)

An organization that is open-sourced and filled with volunteers should be open to "polite" "non-abusive" critiques about how one's WebSite has been newly changed in it's title and description.

Critiques should NOT be taken personally, nor should they incur someones' anger.
It would be difficult to ever have an exchange with ANYONE, if there is paranoia that that individual will react so strongly!


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yeste

An private email was sent because there are 50 web pages of examples of dhtml, and a couple-hundred worded explanation, on the same page as the 50 links. Feeing that it was justified to Ask for a modification.
We avoid using concrete numbers in descriptions so several is more in keeping with the guidelines than 50.

Would Not it have been courteous to do so, if a site was "Suddenly" going to be deleted.
Emails are rarely sent out when action of any kind (adding, deleting, changing) is being taken with a site. And most editors do not respond to emails from submitters.

The website has a PageRank of 6 on Google.
You must realize by now that Dmoz editors don't care what your PageRank is.


Mar 26, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday

I'm sure you realize that your site and it's listings have nothing to do with Google or PR. It is very unusual that web designers/developers get deeplinks to services offered. I would say that more than likely someone had just noticed your site listed. Rules have changed I'm sure over the past two years.
I would like to know which site you want to stay? listed in Basic_Service or that is listed in Dynamic_and_Multimedia ?


May 16, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday

The reason that the page rank was mentioned was because it is a difficult thing to accomplish - and usually verifies the validity of a site.

I would Literally have No idea whether "Dmoz editors" care about PageRank - if you have the Google Toolbar downloaded it is indicated automatically as well as being indicated on the Google Directory.

I did not Mean Literally that the number 50 should be used.

When looking at the other sites in the same directory - there was virtually No mentioned of the word several.

Several has connotations of being "few" - hardly an enticing allure for anyone reading the description to visit.

The previous description - which was in use for months (the last update on the site previously was early Dec. - was very very valid and pertainent

(Last update: 7:04 PT, Friday, December 6, 2002)

(dynamic html dhtml examples and demos -
Examples, demos and an explanation of dynamic html, sprite, active x, and direct x codes. )

The new description - even with more quality content - was suprisingly sparse.

I know it is very hard to envision the Shock of something like this, if it has Not happened to you - but that website (50 pages) has been a work that is 4 years in the making!!!

I wish to truly Thank All of YOU who cared enough to Reply to my concern.


Mar 26, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday

Just wanted to say that I do have the Google Toolbar installed, but no I don't use it to consider sites while editing. OT but your site shows PR5 on my Toolbar. Also, which site do you want to stay?

{edited: I left}
[URL fixed-hutcheson(moderator)]


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yeste

[comment as a Web user, not an editor] Do you design your sites in 1024X768 by any chance? Neither of those two sites fits appropriately in 800X600 (the main page for disables the scroll bar but doesn't actually fit my screen -- so I can't see the whole page -- and the graphics on the page overlap). Just an observation.

added: Oh, and that little resizing thing you do when someone clicks on the search engine link doth not maketh a happy surfer. It's very rude (especially when compounded by the popups galore). You're bound to lose a lot of potential clients after that. [/end comment]


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yeste

What has happened here is that your site was listed a long time ago when the editor guidelines were much more lax than they are now. Over the years we have vastly improved the directory, and listing standards have gone up accordingly. Two days ago an editor came across your site, and decided that it no longer meets the requirements for listing, so it was removed.

Nowadays the qualifications for listing insist that a site contains content, ie. it contains some useful information, or valuable resources. I am unable to find anything useful on your site. I don't know much about dhtml, and on your site I am presented with what looks like a list of keystrokes (Alt+a, Alt+b, Alt+c, etc.). Clicking on one of these at random (I chose Alt+f) I get a picture of the sun, apparently one of three chosen randomly. Two of the pictures have a starry background, one has a black background, giving me the impression that one was broken. I also see a picture of Saturn, on a black background, which doesn't work with the starry background, further compounding the 'broken' impression.

There are also three text links. The first is labeled "Animated window" and it opens a new, blank window. The second is labeled "Change Background" and it opens a new window which sits there for a while, and then gives me an error message, "The operation timeout when connecting to". The third link is labeled "New window", and it performs the same as the second link. Nowhere on the page does it describe what is supposed to happen, or why.

All of the other examples I checked gave similar results, with no obvious clue as to what might be happening, non-functioning buttons and links, and no clue as to what the point of the site is. From an editor's point of view, the most obvious thing is that all of the examples are hosted on other sites. This gives the very strong impression that your site is simply a list of links to several other people's work.


Jul 19, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yeste

Since no one mentioned that the links transfer the user to a site, thought I would. At least the links I dared to open did. Dealing with third party cookies and multiple popups doesn't offer a friendly atmosphere. I gave up after looking at two of the links.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yeste

Get a better browser. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Mozilla has excellent cookie control, and it blocks pop-ups.

Editors are not supposed to rate sites based on where they are hosted. I pointed out that the examples are all hosted elsewhere (which we are supposed to check), but as an editor I wouldn't single out any specific host. Mind you, if I was using a browser that didn't block pop-ups I might be just as annoyed as you are. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yeste

&gt;&gt;Mozilla has excellent cookie control, and it blocks pop-ups.&lt;&lt;
&lt;off topic&gt;Oh yeah mozzie 7.01 has made editing and surfing a lot better, easier and more enjoyable.&lt;/off topic&gt;


May 16, 2002
wonder if these topics are read by the chief admin

wonder if the forum is perused by the chief (hierarchy) administrators fo Dmoz - are they ever the catalyst for policy reforms or revisions.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: wonder if these topics are read by the chief admin

The forums are read by meta-editors, yes. Sometimes ideas get passed on to Netscape/ODP staff (all both of them.)

And, yes, sometimes guidelines get changed as a result. IIRC, there are a several current internal discussions based on issues raised here.


Mar 26, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yeste

Thanks - I tried but received the following message:

This post can no longer be edited because the maximum edit time has expired

Not sure if one of the admins want to change it <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

---- Fixed. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


May 16, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday

I truly want to thank you all for taking so much time to respond and the civility - I really am surprised because I did not expect this.

This forum is extremely valuable because it gives an insight - I have posted this forum on many webmaster related forums, and have received thanks from a number of webmasters who had NO idea this "resource" existed.

In reference to the various replies I have received

The is pagerank 5 is pagerank 6 it may have gone down because Dmoz is no longer a link.

Dhtml is a resource for people who like dynamic interaction with websites, with just a little code you can get flash java and photoshop effects that are client-side.
However- it changes rapidly - some are different depending on the various Netscapes' and IE's differing standards.

The site is mainly geared for those who KNOW dhtml so that is why the examples are not elaborated on.

(there is a elaborate desciption the bottom about the tecnicalities of dhtml)

Those scripts were a result of four and one half years of hard work - that is why it is on angelfire - where it was begun in 1997 the year that dhtml was invented.

I had received so many compliments and requests over the years for the scripts that I had decided to publicize it on dmoz.

This is really separate from
don't forget - I could have easily given it another url or just USED angelfire.

The DMOZ standards changing over the two years would NOT apply here because the site had been re-checked sporadically by the editor (my reffer logs tells me who visited and from where) The title and the description has been changed occassionally so the site was noticed!

Also, the site was just revisited and retitled and redescribed by the editor several hours before I had written a private email asking for a reconsideration of the edited changes. It was several hours AFTER that - the site was removed!!!(I looked at my referrer logs to ascertain this information)

TCFB is different from

the basic service is offered by some other designers this is their own work. They have their own company. So PLEASE don't delete them.
We work together often, but we are seperate!!!! is our multi media and programming company.

The range of services are different.

I appreciate that comment about the browser sizes, I am constanty examing my reffer logs to see what browsers, resolutions, color etc are being the norm.

I finally designed the sites for both 800 x 600 and 1027 x 720

because about 96% of everyone was using those two equally.

We enjoy reading these feedbacks!

[color] <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Mar 26, 2002
Re: Site was listed for 2 years then removed yesterday

TCFB is different from

the basic service is offered by some other designers this is their own work. They have their own company. So PLEASE don't delete them.
We work together often, but we are seperate!!!! is our multi media and programming company.

The range of services are different.

"Don't delete them" - "Them" happens to be you <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Sorry, when two listings are by the same company, in the same categories, and doing the same "type" of work (web design/development), one of them has to go. It doesn't matter if the domains are different or not. I suggest you combine your services on one site.

What would happen if all of the designers/developers had a seperate domain for each of their services and were all listed in the directory?

Hope you see our point <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


May 16, 2002

under a few programming related catagories a few weeks ago - any new status info would be appreciated please?

Have a NICE Day! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.