Sites not getting listed (I know everybody asks this, but there is a twist)


Jun 4, 2010

For a while now i have been trying to submit TV shows for a TV database,and i submit only shows that are fully complete and have more information or equal amount of information then anywhere on the net, my question is why are they never approved, to me it makes no sense why they are not approved, been trying this over the course of a few years to no prevail. websites like tv.Com or imdb who have no information listed on some show get an listings while my website could have summaries/guest stars/recaps for the show and yet it is not accepted, is the editor of the TV category biased towards those sites or if there is some other reason i would really like to know because i am clueless

I would much appreciate an answer, i understand this is not usually done bit i am at a lost as to why they are not accepted.

Hoping for insight,

Best Wishes,



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We don't respond to URL specific questions here and I expect that some mod will remove your URL shortly.

It's quite likely that no editor has yet volunteered to look at your listing suggestions.

You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

It's all in this forum's FAQ of course.


Jun 4, 2010
Since this directory is used by the biggest site i would argue it has a duty to provide the most accurate webites and if my website gets removed over a question, then that is something the creators of the website should think about, my question wasn't directed to the editor, but in general.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
madcow said:
For a while now i have been trying to submit TV shows for a TV database,and i submit only shows that are fully complete and have more information or equal amount of information then anywhere on the net
Ehhhh. You should only suggest a website to DMOZ (and preferably only once). Do not suggest deeplinks for individual TV shows (that might be seen as spam and could result in a ban).
I have no idea what you mean with `for a TV database´. DMOZ does not have such a thing. It is a collection of websites structured into categories.

madcow said:
Since this directory is used by the biggest site i would argue it has a duty to provide the most accurate webites and if my website gets removed over a question, then that is something the creators of the website should think about, my question wasn't directed to the editor, but in general.
I realy have no idea what you are trying to say.


Jun 4, 2010
pvgool said:
Ehhhh. You should only suggest a website to DMOZ (and preferably only once). Do not suggest deeplinks for individual TV shows (that might be seen as spam and could result in a ban).
I have no idea what you mean with `for a TV database´. DMOZ does not have such a thing. It is a collection of websites structured into categories.

I realy have no idea what you are trying to say.

tv.Com/ all have seperate listings for each show that it in a show category, they might be under the same domain but they are basicly seperate websites

Since this directory is used by the biggest site i would argue it has a duty to provide the most accurate webites and if my website gets removed over a question, then that is something the creators of the website should think about, my question wasn't directed to the editor, but in general.
Google / Lycos / Aol ect ect use dmoz so it should be a priority to get the best listings and volunteers should not have a card blanche to accept/reject they should review it and compare it to the other sites listed in the category if it equals the information or has more information


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
madcow said:
tv.Com/ all have seperate listings for each show that it in a show category, they might be under the same domain but they are basicly seperate websites
Yes. But there is a big difference.

Suggestions of deeplinks is NOT allowed.
Listing deeplinks is allowed. But that is only for editors to decide.

Google / Lycos / Aol ect ect use dmoz so it should be a priority to get the best listings and volunteers should not have a card blanche to accept/reject they should review it and compare it to the other sites listed in the category if it equals the information or has more information
There is nothing editors `should´ do (except accting according to the guidelines).
The fact that others use DMOZ data does not have any influence on DMOZ itself.
BTW how can we know what `the best listing´ is. That can only be determined after we reviewed all websites. A process that would let us list no website at all. That is why we do not compare websites with other websites. We only look at the website itself and if its content would add something usefull to the directory for our users.

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
madcow said:
Since this directory is used by the biggest site i would argue it has a duty to provide the most accurate webites and if my website gets removed over a question, then that is something the creators of the website should think about, my question wasn't directed to the editor, but in general.

How would you react if some came along and assigned you a "duty" you never intended to take on?


Jun 4, 2010
The Old Sarge said:
How would you react if some came along and assigned you a "duty" you never intended to take on?

aren't editors volunteers, so you choose the duty. makes no sense what you said


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Editors set their own priorities and levels of activity, not website owners. Once you've grasped that, The Old Sarge's response might make sense after all :)


Jun 4, 2010
i have no interest anymore in trying to get listed on dmoz, I'm passed the need to get listed here my pageranks are high enough but could never hurt to get listed here but as i said it doesn't matter anymore, all I'm arguing now is the system is broke and i think lot of people would agree.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I'm arguing now is the system is broke and i think lot of people would agree.
I think you'll find that they are mostly people who have no interest in our objectives and prefer to impose their own upon us.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.