Situation for a listing in ODP




I was wondering if soneone could help me out with this.

The website is available in 11 languages. On the home page of each language there are links for each other language version of the site. As far as i understand from what i read on the Open Directory Editorial Guidelines, its not against the rules to submit a website multiple times if its available in more then one language and you are submitting it to the correct World/<language>.... category. is listed 6 times, 1 time for portugese, 1 for korean, 1 for italian, 1 for spanish and 2 for english. The reason it is listed 2 time in the english category it because of the misconduct of submissions of previous webmasters who have worked here.

Aside from that, i had submitted a different site around the 28th of August 2003. Please note that is a translation company site, and is a language school site. Even so,'s listing submission was denied, and when i requested a site submission status , i was told that's listing was denied because it and were part of the same group, and that is already listed several times in the ODP. is listed several times in the ODP, but under specific World/<language> categories. I'm not sure what "part of the same group" means, but these are definitively 2 different websites offering different content.

When i contacted the person who replied to me on the forum, they said to update one of the 2 english listings that exist for and replace it with, which is a great idea, i dont need 2 listings for, and in fact one of those listings falls under a branch that our company does not concentrate on so much anymore, this listing is the one under: "Computers: Software: Globalization: Companies". From what i was told, you can specify the new category for the site under the comments box on the update page for a listing. However, if i do an update request and switch the listing for to, specifying the new caregory, what are the chances it will it get denied again? I am especially concerned it could get denied because i would be submitting it again after such a short time.

Anyone have any suggestions?


If you are requesting an update then chances are in my view you should have a better chance of it not being denied. Since the site has already been listed in the directory, sites are usually updated without much of a problem. Also that other site that was denied has no effect on your site update. It should be treated as any other type of submission. It will be reviewed and if it is felt to be acceptable, your update will go through just fine.

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