Small Categories

Dec 30, 2004
OK, I have to submit my site to a very small category because it doesn't really belong in any other category. (It has only 5 sites in it now.) I know they say that an editor from a parent category might review it, but, will that happen? The editors at the top probably have more imporant things to do then review sites in a VERY small category. What I am saying is, will my site not get reviewed just because it belongs in a small category?


Apr 15, 2003
The fact is that editors at higher levels tend to do most of the work, including all the smaller categories underneath them. There are many editors who have done tens of thousands of reviews, and yet you will find them named on very few categories. An editor is very unlikely to be specifically named on a category with only five sites.

So no need to worry.

And many different editors routinely go through categories doing maintenance, like changing URLs that redirect to the correct actual URL that we would use.


Jan 23, 2003
Doctor Rat is correct, and it would be a terrible mistake to submit to a less than optimal category simply because it is larger or has a named editor.

Or put another way, I have been allowed to do about 14,000 edits and I am the named editor of nine public-side categories. I have never done an edit in one of the nine named categories (the very largest), and the most edits I have ever done in a category where I am named is 137. Directory-wide, I've done edits in more than 400 subcategories where my name never appears.
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