Small category - what are the odds that my site will be reviewed?


Jan 10, 2009

I submitted a site to this category on November 7.

I guess this is what you can call a small niche category. There is no editor and the there is not even an editor for the parent category "knots". There is an editor named "sole" for the category Reference but there are 58,380 sites in that category and only Sole to review all the submissions.

What are the odds that my site will be reviewed?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

Don't forget that there are over 200 of us who can edit wherever we like but we don't add our names to hundreds of thousands of categories.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
(1) _All_ categories are niche categories. Even "Las Vegas Hotels" don't attract more than a tiny percentage of all people online worldwide. And yet they have links....

(2) The category you're looking at, has links now. Those links didn't appear in some past geological era before zippers and velcro, when every child had to learn to tie shoes, string a bow, and fasten sharp rocks to sticks to make food-catching devices. There's been SOMEONE interested in that topic in the last ten years.

(3) The categories I edit are niches, but they're niches I'm interested in. Is YOUR choice of niches-to-be-interested under-represented on the web? Then build a site for it. (Ah, you did, just like I did.;)) Is this more than a site-specific problem: that is, are the OTHER websites in your niche under-represented in the Open Directory?

(4) What are the chances you'd be willing to help build the Open Directory category into a resource that will be useful to all dozen people in the world who are interested in that topic?


Jan 10, 2009
Thanks jimnoble and hutcheson for anwering.

I am glad to hear that someone will review my submission. Now I just hope it will sooner rather than later.

What are the chances you'd be willing to help build the Open Directory category into a resource that will be useful to all dozen people in the world who are interested in that topic?

Well I will be happy to help. As a sailer, kayaker, angler and former scout I guess I could edit the category "Knots". I like the idea of the ODP and editing a niche category will properly not be an overwhelming task.

But is it OK to become an editor and then review my own website?


Jan 10, 2009

My application was not approved. Here is the reviewer comments:

Incomplete response to "Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part. Also, mention whether you have contributed content to any site, and give URLs as appropriate".

We are happy to accept editors who are affiliated with websites, and, in fact, most of our editors have some affiliations. However, to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, we ask that editors be completely upfront about those affiliations when they apply.

I included the four websites that I have created. What else should I include?

Should I clearly state that I intend to review my own site and not just ad the URL to the list?


Jan 10, 2009
jimnoble said:
The at least one other website registered in your name :).

Ahh I see!

I need to list all the domains that I have registered?

I have about ten registered domains but only four active sites. One of the passive domains are also related to knots. Is that it?

No problem in listing all the domains.
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