SMC Websites



Hi, we used to offer SMC products on our site and have changed our entire content away from SMC products and now offer only personalized engraved gifts. I haven't been able to get my site listed in the personalized, engraving directory because of previously offering SMC. I have spoken with several editors and they have suggested that an editor familiar with SMC products view my site to verify that we do not offer SMC products anymore so that we can get our site listed in the correct category. We are not listed at all in the directory. Gift World Collection


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
I looked at your site and can confirm that you no longer are a SMC reseller, made a note as to this and re-added your site to the unreviewed in Shopping/Gifts/Personalized/Engraving/ where you were recently denied with a request to be reviewed again. Sorry for the confusion :cool: and thank you for bringing it to our attention.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.