So whats the problem with this site ?


Nov 24, 2007
Hi All,

I submitted a website under this category

The website i listed

[Removed URL]

Category Description according to DMOZ:
Realtors, real estate agencies, and regionally specific sites will not be listed in this category.

This category is for web sites that are directories of Real Estate Agents and Offices. Only those with a scope covering multiple countries on multiple continents can be included in this category. This is not a category for individual realtor or broker web sites. Sites that require an agent to pay for a listing are noted as "membership based".

The site Title i used

The description i used
A directory of real estate agents around the world.

Now if you all notice the site is the largest real estate agents directory, covering 5,962 cities in USA and canada, listing is totally free.

Submitted over 4 months ago during that time i saw some sites removed from the same category.
If you all notice the site listed there does not even have agents listings only through reciprocal listings (you give them link they give you link).

Can any one guide me why the site is rejected ?



Nov 24, 2007
I have been checking on regular basis

I believe that site is rejected because in last four months, there are sites which are added and removed because of low quality, they were added and later removed.

I even noticed link farms been added but after few weeks they were removed.

Look at this

Google directory is not been updated there is another site which does not meet the guideliness (already removed from but it was added and once google will update the directory with latest DMOZ data it will go away.

Since the editor is available to add and remove other website then he should have already done my site review while he was adding and removing other sites. I honestly didnt said any thing stupid to him either :D only in my head i am thinking its corruption because unless u pay to some SEO company cant get listed.

You can also look up at online at several other site who are using DMOZ data.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
the site is the largest real estate agents directory, covering 5,962 cities in USA and canada

Very well, but if that is a correct description of your site (a directory of agents in the USA and Canada), it falls under the definition "regionally specific" which means that it doesn't belong in that category, and the reviewing editor would have sorted it to Regional/North_America/Business_and_Economy/Real_Estate/Directories , most probably.

Even if other sites have been added and removed in the meantime, it doesn't mean that all suggested sites in the category have necessarily been reviewed.

Since the editor is available to add and remove other website then he should have already done my site review while he was adding and removing other sites.
There are no "should"s about what the editors do - except that they must not abuse the directory, of course.
only in my head i am thinking its corruption because unless u pay to some SEO company cant get listed.
That is a line we hear a lot, and very, VERY seldom does anybody try to present any real proof. If you have any proof that there are SEO companies who employ ODP editors, who get paid for listing sites, please use this link to tell us which ones, and how you know. (Since it is the directory that's being abused by these people, not the webmasters, we take all such things much more seriously than anybody else.)
Besides, it's patently untrue that only those who use SEO companies get listed in the ODP. In fact, SEOs often delay their clients' listings, a lot, and the clients would have been better off if they had saved their money and devoted 20 minutes to making a proper site suggestion themselves.
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