solution to dead/junk/spam sites


Mar 28, 2004
a great way to get rid of dead/spam ect sites would be for dmoz to place a voting box under each sites link asking visitors to rank visited sites quality speed ect from 1 to 10 (maby they could even post comments ect)


Apr 15, 2003
We have built in tools for dealing with dead sites. Spam sites require editorail discretion.

And I wouldn't want an option where my competitors with hundreds of employees could have each one of them vote my legitimate sites out of existence.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It's an interesting idea. But that's what "Update URL" is for.

What we'd like more, I think, is for editors to be able to pick out the "update URL" requests more easily. That way, we could quickly address the problems you spot.


Apr 15, 2003
Thats a good point.

I wish it could be made more obvious to users of ODP. I know before I became an editor, I though that update was exclusively for the site owner, and that the email address was tied to an email for the web site, to prevent anyone else using it.


DMOZ Meta/kMeta
Curlie Meta
Apr 3, 2002
Aside: "Update URL" has been recently changed to "Update listing" (although it won't show on pages that haven't been... updated. ;) ). See for instance Arts/Music/Instruments.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I should mention also, as a matter of approach, that we don't need no stinking votes. (Think of us as the Miami Beach Election Commission. Given time, we can punch up as many as we need.)

If not a single person complains about a spam listing, we still don't like it -- and we'll remove it if we notice. If one single person complains, we want to check it out.

You may have noticed in an external forum, someone whining about "some competitor must have ratted out my spam" (assuming, apparently, that the EDITORS, being too stupid to breathe and type at the same time, obviously couldn't have figured it out.)

<gasp. pause>
This isn't true. Really.

The more help we have, the better the stew. But even if we had nothing to eat but what we ourselves killed, we wouldn't starve.


Mar 16, 2004
Pardon My Impudence ...

MFlana4048 said:
a great way to get rid of dead/spam ect sites would be for dmoz to place a voting box under each sites link asking visitors to rank visited sites quality speed ect from 1 to 10 (maby they could even post comments ect)

... but where did I put my red pencil?



Mar 25, 2002
Putting a "Report Problem" link next to each listing is a feature request that we have pending internally. There are some other technical enhancements that need to occur first, and some discussions about implementation in combination with Update URL (now listing) still need to occur. Due to scanty staff time, this upgrade is at least 6 months out.

Thanks for the suggestion, tho'. :)


May 26, 2002
>> a great way to get rid of dead/spam etc, sites would be for dmoz to place a voting box under each sites link asking visitors to rank visited sites quality, speed, etc from 1 to 10 (maybe they could even post comments etc) [corrected] <<

I guess that we would then just have to look at all the 10 points votes, and cull them. Most of them would be spammers voting their own sites to the top of the list.

An interesting suggestion, but I think it is one that would make more work rather than less. It would be yet one more thing for spammers to abuse.


Mar 28, 2004
voting would work


.....just signed on to check replies to my post - anyway glad to see some interest -

.....if the voting boxes were kept strictly on dmoz (& those using its data) & if sites were ranked on just three things - quality/honesty/user satisfaction
and ranks not shown till a site shows say 1000 votes - it would solve this whole mess

the reason I became interested in this board in the first place was that I have three adult sites I'm trying to get listed (these sites were very sucessful 97-98 til '99 when my home computer & server crashed on the same day (nothing was backed up on either computer so I got wipped out & just gave up till I started rebuilding everything last year) - I won't list the url's here as it's against the tos of this forum - but they're in the adult forum)

anyway most of the adult & many of the non-adult categories have no editors & according to these forums some webmasters have been waiting for Years! to be listed) - I've been waiting almost eight months now and will pretty soon (very soon) be too broke to keep these online while waiting for traffic - which is a shame as these are excellent (actually phenominal) quality sites (I must be getting a raving review from every visitor I've got - as I'm getting 10-15 e-mails a day and I have almost zero trafffic)

for a small site (of any type) waiting to be reviewed breaks us, as we have no traffic - we can't afford to pay five cents a click for traffic - dmoz is now the only se/dir with legit. handpicked sites - however how are webmasters supposed to keep sites online for months or even years with no trafffic?

google/inktomi is very link popularity skewed (try getting sites to link you when you have no traffic to send back) - it's just a vast circle of spam out there - now a tiny handfull of webmasters control the entire web (adult anyway)

yahoo - the dir is now useless as everyone goes to the default websearch (inktomi)

dmoz is th Only place for an indep. webmaster to find an audiance - but how does one survive long enough to get listed?

the "spammed" categories that have no editors are exactly the ones that so desperately need updating - what is the longest that this may take?

haveing major chunks of the directory with no updates (and worse yet sites that are just spam or even dead) is destroying the quality of this directory

yes - I realize that this is a vol. org. & webmasters traffic concerns are not dmoz's concerns --- however they are --- without great websites to list dmoz will suffer & the surfers in turn will suffer - in turn webmasters suffer more for lack of surfers ---- an ugly enending circle - this is an awful situation & in my opinion something needs to be done to speed up the reviews of sites & get rid of junk sites that surfers regret clicking on


Jan 23, 2003
OK, I understand the essence of what you are trying to convey, but I do need to help clear up some misconceptions.

ranks not shown till a site shows say 1000 votes - it would solve this whole mess

Simply put, we are a directory, not a ranking and rating service. What you are proposing would be a nightmare to implement and would not really do anything other than to open our system up to even more abuse. I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, but this is something that other have proposed (internally and externallt) in teh past and it simply causes more problems than it solves.
ost of the adult & many of the non-adult categories have no editors

That is both right and wrong. Certainly the vastg majority of categories have no listed editor, but that does not mean there is no editor. Any editor in the categories above can and do edit in categories below. I'm a pretty good example, fewer than 1% of my total edits are in categories where I am the named editor.

What you are really pointing out is that we (ODP) have a communications problem. We primarily use the public naming of editors as a recruitment tool, and encourage editors to resign from lower categories when they receive higheer permission so as to not discourage potential applicants. I (personally) see two big problems with this. First, it conveys the erroneous impression that there are categories that have been editorially abandoned, and second, it sets expectations for people to apply to categories where there is absolutely no chance that a new editor would be accepted. you've helped clarify my thinking on this and I will begin an internal discussion on this very topic.

I've been waiting almost eight months now and will pretty soon (very soon) be too broke to keep these online

An ODP listing is not a "silver bullet" that will instantly lead to wealth and fame for a webmaster. It is simply a web directory. There are hundreds of other site promotion opportunities out there that are not payment based, and frankly, you need to pursue them. Sometimes in life, if you cannot get on the express elevator, you need to take the local and put up with slower progress to the top. Taken another way, you are really complaining that a totally free service which requires no substantial effort on your part, is not fast enough for your linking.

the "spammed" categories that have no editors are exactly the ones that so desperately need updating - what is the longest that this may take?

It takes from a few hours to more than two years. No category is totally without editors, it is just that many editors go through a decision making process along these lines: do I go to spammy category A and spend two hours adding maybe one quality site to the directory, or do I go to a nice topical or regional category and add two dozen quality sites in the next two hours? That, my friend, is a personal decision that hundreds of editors face every single day.

You happen to be in an industry (adult) that has shown little or no ethics or respect with regards to this directory. Thousands or tens of thousands of duplicate submissions, mirrors, redirects, bogus URL, etc. Is it no wonder that so many volunteer editors voluntarily choose not to edit there or apply for permissions to edit there? Sure, ther are a few honest adult websites, but the signal to noise ratio is so high that many editors simply cannot be bothered. We volunteered to build a directory and help the web community, not to spend hours sorting thorugh spam and deal with sleazy webmaster tricks.

haveing major chunks of the directory with no updates (and worse yet sites that are just spam or even dead) is destroying the quality of this directory

Exactly, which is why we keep our standards high and we work very hard at ridding the directory of sites that have turned into garbage. That's why we don't just jump into an adult category and approve everything that has been waiting. That's why we do a lot of work that is invisible to the general public, and doesn't show up as page updates, but adds quality to the directory.

To give you a bit of perspective, I've spent about 30 hours online with ODP in the last week. I spent a few hours cleanign up some deadlinks that were identified by one of our tools, and the rest of the time I've been doing work that absolutely no one can see. There is a special category that I believe needs to be developed and I have been working in a non-public part of the directory, building and rebuilding what I think the directory needs. I've created structure, and then torn down structure, I've tried groupings, and wiped it all out and started over again. I've go somethign about 2/3rds built, but I'm not sure that I've got it right (in my own mind). I've invested this work knowing that when I make a posting in the internal disucssion channels, and ask for comments, I may well get totally blasted out of the water, my peers may think it is the stupidest idea since "new Coke" and the hours I will have invested will not change a single bit in the directory -- but the time will not have been wasted, because this is exactly the type of contributions we want from our editors. We don't want editors who think their job is to monitor a submission pool and process submissions.

in my opinion something needs to be done to speed up the reviews of sites & get rid of junk sites that surfers regret clicking on

Well, we have a reporting mechanism within this forum that is quite heavily used to report problem sites -- and those reports get a very high priority and are dealt with faster than most any other type of issue.

As far as spam goes -- I don't think you'd like my plan for dealing with it: I think we should simply turn off submissions and never turn them back on again. We really and truly don't need submissions and no submissions means no spam. Sure, the diretory might have slightly slower growth (then again, maybe not since with no spam editors are free to edit and build out categories). But fear not, no one is going to adopt my plan.


Aug 22, 2003
>will pretty soon (very soon) be too broke to keep these online

I doubt if an ODP listing would change that fate, then. I have to remove old ODP listings every month because the sites went out of business. :-( I don't know what the secret to e-commerce success is, but I don't think a link from the ODP could be it...


Mar 28, 2004
thanks for all the replies


......thanks for all the replies

......actually - odp underestimates itself - in my prev experiance odp & yahoo were "magic bullets" (of course Yahoo was equal but now the dir is worthless - google & intomi rankings are impossible w/o heavy links in - which is impossible w/o traffic as the link farms wont list trafficless sites - see the circle)

......I don't know if non-adult sites have these same problems - but if you do - good luck because there seems to be no solution - personally I used to have every search engine completely nailed (1st page under various search terms) - now this is impossibe for an independant site & no matter how great the quality the link gods just wont list you (the ones with high pr's that is - and they are the only ones that are of any use at all) to your explanations - they're all very resonable - running this thing must be a nightmare -

......anyway - one suggestion on the voting thing - there used to be a site called - (a directory of adult sites that had voting) -anyway it seemed to work there but I'm no techie and don't know how it was implemented) - anyway now it's dead - for the 1st yr. or so it threw me almost as much traffic as Yahoo as the algor. wasn't really based on traffic you sent them - it was based on votes - a site with a few 1000 visitors/day could clobber sites with 10's of 1000's and move to "quality"

......btw......being a site designer I think closing down submissions would be a really really bad idea - yikes - like why now bulk e-mail (trusted) webasters who have long standing multiple sites in odp & try & recruit them as editors - my point is you need more editors - waiting to be indexed is a nightmare you can't possibble understand tilll you've been there

......(before somebody asks - yes I already applied - years ago - had three (extremely popular) sites in odp myself but never received an answer - then again I didn't list sites worth adding on the form (because I honestly couldn't find any meeting the stated guidelines)

one more thing on "adult webmasters tent to spam - ripoff ect" - this isn't always the webmmmasters fault - I always used to cary a ripoff warning link - right on the front page of all three of my sites - and before I got wiped out made over 3k/mo (now zero k)between the 3 sites - without ripping anyone off - however now I killed it because it seems the only way to get listed under multi avs is to use all the avs's with good sites without regard to the pricing structure (I used to use only cyberage -netverifier & adultcheck (ac is now dead) (page is there but I no longer link to it)

this has no adult content & doesn't link elsewhere so I posted it here - the page is still there if anyone wants to click

.....anyway just some stuff for thought



Aug 22, 2003
This may have been mentioned already and I'm just not seeing it, but in addition to Update URL, another good way to report dead, hijacked, junk, bait-and-switched, ripoff, spam, etc. sites is our Abuse Reporting Forum here. There's a thread in that forum specifically for reporting bad sites, and it's read enthusiastically by several high-level editors.

But I agree, I think a clearer "report problems" feature on our pages would be a good thing (though I wouldn't want to get into the popularity-contest game having users vote on the sites would invite).


Mar 26, 2002
The Google Toolbar is toying with the voting concept of pages. I have not seen anything come out of it and I know is not google but they have alot more resource than we do and if they ever do anything with it maybe we could explore something like what they do, if they ever do anything with it. I mean anything that helps gets dead links and affiliate spam reported I am all for it.
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