Some Advice From a Former Editor

Feb 4, 2009
I was an ODP editor since 2002 or 2003 and have been an editor on a small category, a few greenbuster campaigns and a 4th level category with thousands of edits under my belt. I enjoyed the ODP, agree with it's mission but due to some identity issues with my transsexuality and my username (which was my old name), I had to quit. And to help serve the ODP, I would like to share some advice from my own experience as a former editor.

First off, your website will be reviewed when it's reviewed. There are large categories that can have thousands of greens that are untouched and some reds as well. I know this to be true when I was at the helm of Arts: Animation: Anime: Fandom and I cleared a lot of greens in that category but never really got to them all. So, be patient. It may never happen or it may take years. Submitting to the ODP and to a category without an editor can be a long wait, so be very mindful of that.

Secondly, submit your site to the right category the first time around. Why? Well, as I said, it can take a while to get to your site if you are submitting to a large category. If we have to move it to another category, it takes more time and you have to wait for that category's editor to approve it. It does take a while.

Also, keep in mind most of us have lives. Hobbies. Things that we do outside of the ODP which take up our time and we aren't paid to do this. Some of us have the time to put in 1 hour a day, or a week or a month. We have loved ones which we spend time with.

Bribery doesn't work. Remember, you are not dealing with employees, but VOLUNTEERS. We volunteer because we believe in the purpose of the ODP or want to help direct people to resources available on the Net. You might get an unscrupulous editor who will accept your bribe rarely but they can't do much for you to bring attention to themselves, your listing and then to route out your bribe. The editor will be discharged, your listing will be deleted, your site banned. Honestly, it's not worth it for the editor and it's not worth it for you.


Mar 15, 2010

I know you said, Secondly, submit your site to the right category the first time around, a lot of people may make mistake the first time just by not fully understanding the process. So why do Dmoz penailise this when it could just be a genuine error, Do editors just skip past your site suggestion if it's not 100% perfect? I would like to think editors would do a little editing as and when they felt correct to do so. I know it's a volunteer based directory and understand the amount of submissions would be huge and difficult to deal with, but surely editors would use head in some cases's?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
So why do Dmoz penailise this when it could just be a genuine error,
The only penalty is that suggesting your site to the wrong category means that your suggestion will likely be reviewed by someone who will then have to send it to the right category for review by someone else, thereby extending what could already be a long wait.
Do editors just skip past your site suggestion if it's not 100% perfect? I would like to think editors would do a little editing as and when they felt correct to do so. I know it's a volunteer based directory and understand the amount of submissions would be huge and difficult to deal with, but surely editors would use head in some cases's?
Sites suggested to the right category with titles and descriptions that come close to meeting the guidelines tend to stand out for editors and so may get reviewed more quickly. However, most suggestions don't come in with good titles or descriptions and so editors are used to having to rewrite both to follow our guidelines. It's a part of what we do.
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