Some friendly help?


Jan 27, 2008
Hi, I've submitted my site to a video chat cataegory since I run a chat site that offers webcam and voice chat several months ago.

After no inclusion and some digging around I thought perhaps they didn't include it since it's a web-based chat so I resubmitted it to a web-based chat category. I noticed today that the category I submitted it to has since been edited with no inclusion so I thought I would see if anyone here could let me know what I'm doing wrong?

I've put a lot of money and time into the build of this site, it's a fully functional chat site with custom profiles, personal photo albums, and the chat offers several chat rooms, webcams, and voice chat. You can also share photos directly through the chat rooms or private messages. This is not a self promo, I just want to get the point accross that this is not some crappy little spam site. We also currently have close to 7,000 members.

If someone could maybe take a look at my site and give me some opinions on what I'm doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it. I know we can't list our urls here but not sure what the rules are on posting the name of our sites so I'll list it but if we can't I'll understand if an editor wants to delete it. It's <site name removed>, you can do a search on yahoo or msn and it will be the first listed site, google kind of has us all mingled up so you'll have a harder time finding it there.

I understand it takes time to get listed in dmoz but we have an investor considering investing a sizable amount of money into this site and I would like to be able to say that we have a dmoz listing. If we can't, we can't, but any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Thanks for understanding. Unfortunately, we don't do site critiques here. Don't presume that you're doing something wrong -- given the volunteer nature of the ODP and the sheer volume of work, the most likely reason for a listable suggested site to not have been listed yet is simply that no one has reviewed it yet. I'm afraid all you can really do is be patient.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I noticed today that the category I submitted it to has since been edited with no inclusion
The last edit date on a category just indicates the last time any editing action was taken in that category. It does not mean that every suggested site that had been suggested prior to that date has been reviewed.

If the site you've suggested meets our listing criteria and you have seen it listed yet, then the most likely explanation is that it is still waiting to be reviewed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.