Someone removed my replies in this forum


Oct 2, 2002
You're trolling, and I think you're lucky that you've only had posts deleted.


Feb 5, 2006
what do you mean trolling?

i dunno even what that term means. honest. i have an opinion. it happens to differ that the moderators. however i guess rather than engage in a debate censorship is preferred. which is funny coming from a user contributed project like ODP.


Feb 5, 2006
here is the reply

"Apparently it wasn't your last post on the subject since you went and made 4 more posts about it in other peoples' threads. I've deleted those posts and I'm going to be closing this thread. Please note that this IS NOT an invitation to make any more posts about the subject of site suggestion feedback.

As you've already noted, we've considered the subject of providing feedback and at this time it isn't something being entertained. Starting up new discussions about it isn't going to help."

Disagree with a moderator. Boom. Closed discussion. Disagree. Boom deleted post. Obviously ever other post is asking for information. I think the first letter in the project is somewhat misleading.

Also these types of posts wouldn't be such a huge issue if those that administrated the project engaged the criticism. This sort of behavior smacks of censorship. It will be interesting to see if they even let this post or thread stay alive.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Google Web Definitions:
Trolling: deliberately provoking arguments on newsgroups or bulletin boards, with no other intent than to gain attention for the sake of attention. Originally: fishing by dragging a line fitted with one or more hooks behind the boat.

Hijacking someone elses thread to argue your own opinions and creating multiple threads on the same or related subject is unacceptable and as ishtar said, continuing that strategy will get more than just posts removed.

You will find, if you look in your control panel that not all were deleted, it isn't about whether someone liked or disliked the posts. It is because they are inappropriate.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
flipkin said:
Disagree with a moderator. Boom. Closed discussion. Disagree. Boom deleted post. Obviously ever other post is asking for information.
See post above.

flipkin said:
I think the first letter in the project is somewhat misleading.
Nope not misleading, misunderstood sometimes maybe. O=Open as in Open source data, as in the data is open and free to use by anyone who is willing to follow the free licensing agreement.

flipkin said:
Also these types of posts wouldn't be such a huge issue if those that administrated the project engaged the criticism. This sort of behavior smacks of censorship. It will be interesting to see if they even let this post or thread stay alive.
No it appears to be a failure to read the posting guidelines and the forum faq. Hijacking the threads of others and creating multiple threads to repetitivly ask the same questions (many if not all of which are answered in other threads and/or the FAQ) will not be tolerated. Creating new threads on the subject after having been instructed not to is also unacceptable. Do not be surprised if this thread is locked as well.


Feb 5, 2006

If like every third post is asking for status maybe that says something?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
flipkin said:
If like every third post is asking for status maybe that says something?
Yes it does: Something like read the FAQ and find out why we don't do it any longer ;)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Obviously ever other post is asking for information.

Yes. And of tens of thousands of people that have asked over the years, I could count on my fingers and toes the number of them that (1) had a right to ask, and that (2) we knew anything of any value to tell them. And hundreds have gone berserk on us instead -- breathing threats and violence. The cost-benefit ratio isn't there. We know that absolutely, from personal experience.

That's not a subject you can HAVE an opinion on.


Feb 5, 2006

Open as in free or as in freedom? The inner working of the project are clouded in secrecy. The first sticky post in the forum is submit to the correct category and the approval time is cut down dramatically. However no effort is made to let people know if they are submitting the correct category. It is left up to us the user to read minds. In open source which I assume is the spiritual model for the project not only is the software is free, but also the source code. People are able to see how it works and make improvements. ODP is not open in that sense nor will it harbour any criticism of itself.

Take a look at a great essay on the subject The Cathedral and the Bazaar:


Feb 5, 2006
Manual process

I am not proposing that the editors do this manually. That is totally lame and a waste of time. If thousands of people are asking doesn't that say something? You cannot get rid of the nut jobs, but some automated system will provide very useful information to the people that really do want to contribute and be good citizens. However from a submitters point of view ODP is a complete black hole. Stuff goes in nothing comes out. If a link does go up you have no idea if it was yours or someone elses. What happens in the absense of good information? People revert to their worst behavior. That or the good one get fed up and don't bother with the project. I realize what a tough, thankless and gloriously unpaid task it is. From the other side there is just this wall that we can't see through and plainly it stinks.


Apr 15, 2003
But it's not open source - and never claimed to be, therefore any comparisons with open source are specious.

The only thing that is open, is that the downloadable directory / RDF dump, is open to free use, providing the terms of use are respected.

It's also pointless to ask to get confirmation that you submiited to the correct category, since until an editor reviews the site, no-one knows you submitted to the wrong categroy. Once an editor finds you submitted to the wrong categroy, he/she then moves it a more correct category, but that new category might be in the domain of another editor, thus the delay. There is no point is taking the time to tell you at that point you submitted to the wrong place and it got moved, since it provides no usefull information on which you can act. If anything it might just create false expectations that your site is about to be listed.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
This forum does not exist to provide you with a venue for trolling. Nor is it here to endlessly belabour topics that have been discussed to death. I've asked you to stop. You haven't. I'm closing this thread as well. DO NOT start up a new one. DO NOT add posts on the subject to any existing threads.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.