Someone Responsible?


Feb 2, 2009
Hi! I'm numismundo, a new member on this Forum.
3 days ago, I wrote a thead in the Spanish section, where I explain my disappointment with the ODP reviewer, because I really felt ideal to the category that I ask to edit. Then, I ask some answer to my problem, but nothing happened. I sent a PM to the Moderator of the section, but he didn't respond me yet. Please, I need some answers, and the system looks like doesn't exist, nobody answer me, and I don't know what can I do.
Thanks so much. ASAP

P.D.: Sorry for my poor english.


Apr 5, 2004
Hello numismundo

All editors are volunteers, as you know, and answering questions here is also a voluntary occupation, so please be patient. I'm sure someone will respond to your questions in time.

If your application was unsuccessful, you received feedback explaining why, so unless you were asked not to reapply, you are welcome to do so, after following the advice in the feedback of course. :)

Google translation:
Todos los editores son voluntarios, como usted sabe, y responder a las preguntas aquí también es un voluntario de ocupación, así que por favor sea paciente. Estoy seguro de que alguien responda a sus preguntas en el tiempo.

Si su solicitud no tuvo éxito, que ha recibido información que explica por qué, a menos que se le pidió que no vuelva, le invitamos a hacerlo, después de seguir el consejo en el curso de retroalimentación. :)
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