Something wrong with suggesting my site, what should I do?


Jan 18, 2010
Dear Dmoz,

Good day!

This is Carolyn from Antesky Science Technology Inc.

In July,2009, one of my colleague suggested our site on, but half a year past, we haven't got any information about suggesting our site.

On November 30,2009, once again I submit our website <URL removed> on the Category: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Communications: Digital Satellite ;

On Dec. 1,2009, I submit our website <URL removed> on the Category: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Communications: Digital Satellite once again.

At beginning, I don't know a lot, so I wrongly apply to be an editor, but in fact I don't want to be an editor, I just want to submit our website.

After suggesting our site three times, I try to learn much more about, I realized that it's wrong to suggest a site much more times, but I don't know how to do next step? I also realized that last three time I submit it to a wrong category, the correct category should be Top: Business: Telecommunications: Equipment: Antennas, not the above category I had submited, so I don't know what should I do? Should I suggest our site once again, or not? As you know, if I suggest it once again, it will be postponed for a long time, so I don't know what should I do next step, could you please give me some advice?

Thanks very much!


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might not have noticed this forum's subtitle Forum for discussions about the process of suggesting a site for inclusion. General discussion only, no mention of specific sites here please.

It seems that you also missed the part of our suggestion guidelines that require that a website be suggested just once to the one best category. You and your colleague acknowledged that you'd read them on each occasion.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestions in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

If the category is incorrect, we'll fix it.
If the title or description are poor, we'll fix them.

In short, there's nothing more that you need do.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
There are several 100ths editors possibly "engaged" with any category.
And there is totaly no reason to contact any of them.
Not only are the editors advised not to answer emails from people who ask about the inclusion of their website but it is also very rude to ask for any preference for you website. Your suggestion well get the exact same treatment as all other suggestions. When an editor is interested enough to look at a category he might look at the pool of suggested websites and he might review one or more of those suggested websites. Which editor that will be and when it will happen is something we don't know. It might be today, next week, next month, next year or even later.
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