Sorry About the Downtime

Sorry about the dowtime. Had a major glitch when switching to the main server. All is back to normal. Hope you like the changes made.


May 26, 2002
Tried logging in on 2002-08-18 at 04:00 UTC, and was met with a screen full of PHP errors. Later on, now, it is all working OK, but at first I thought that I had logged on to SEF by mistake, as it now looks very similar (Similar blue colouring, and same 'lightbulbs' for new posts). Where has the green scheme gone? The site had also lost my Cookie as it treated me like a visitor, and I had to log in again [no big problem once I realised what had happened]. One thing is missing, which I liked seeing, is the list of who is logged on. This was shown along the top of the screen of all posts. That seems to have now gone. All that is provided is the number of users online (at the bottom of the screen), but not a list of _who_ is logged in. Can we have that back please?

I like the easy access toolbar of smilies and different font colours etc when posting a new message or a reply. A useful addition, though I see that this option isn't available when you edit a post for a second time (i.e. when already previewing a posting).

I'm now off to look for a way to change the date round to the universal YYYY-MM-DD format (RFC3339), as it confuses me to have the day in the middle [four digit year would also be nice]. Also a way to have 24-hour format time, rather than the old 12-hour AM, PM format.

I see that the >> Current adjusted date is: 08/18/02 01:53 PM. << . This was at 2002-08-18 14:14 UTC with my 'Server Time Offset' as +5 hrs. I think the server time needs some adjustment [It is 21 minutes slow at the moment (or 39 minutes fast, if it is not in the Time Zone that I think it is)]. I also find it odd that the server doesn't base on UTC. Does the server stay on Standard Time all year round, or does it adjust its time to follow Daylight Savings Time (i.e. Will I have to apply a one-hour correction at some point for my display to stay on UTC?)? [i.e. If the server time suddenly changes by one hour, will it also change my offset to +6 hours, or will I have to do it?]

[One possible bug: Doing a further edit to a previewed edited message results in a blank screen when you try to repost the message again. This is when posting from the edit screen that doesn't have the smilies and font colour options, if that helps you to find it].
[Bug Confirmed. I tried it several times. Same result every time].


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
I'm not getting the currently online list accross the top, nor the "most recent member" notation anymore. I liked those.. want them back! <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

[added] Looks like the admin flags are gone now too on admin and mod's names?

[added more] ratings look new (I don't remember them anyway) what are they based on?

[added again] n/m on the last comment. I figured it out on my own (threads have ratings at the bottom, and editors have ratings on their profile). Not sure I like the idea.. but that's a different topic. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


May 26, 2002
Neil (totalxs) can't log in at all, and Vladd just had a problem until he re-requested the password remider via email. Working OK for me _at the moment_.

&lt;enarra&gt;: Looks like the admin flags are gone now too on admin and mod's names?

They do show up on the master list of fora, and latest thread info, the one showing the 'who posted last, and when, information', but they do NOT show up in the list of messages within the fora. They used to, and it would be useful to have them back.

The how many online and newest user is at the bottom of the page now. The badges should still work. I'll check into them not working.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
The changes are nice to see, so much is true. But please:

1) Keep all requests to normal ports. I dislike opening my firewall <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> (lots of request to port 7869 when opening any page)

2) Make the main forum page load fast again. I don't know if this is a result from 1, but it takes more than a minute here...

3) If its possible supply a larger box for posting messages. Only 5 lines at the moment <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

Wheres the green scheme gone?
It is there. You might have seen the site when I accidently hard coded the dark blue css to the header.
Now off to look for a way to change the date round to the universal YYYY-MM-DD format (RFC3339)
I can change that. The way it is confuses me also.
Does the server stay on Standard Time all year round, or does it adjust its time to follow Daylight Savings Time (i.e. Will I have to apply a one-hour correction at some point for my display to stay on UTC?)?
It will adjust itself to DST. No you won't have to do anything it will adjust for DST.
[Bug Confirmed. I tried it several times. Same result every time].
That bug has been there for a while. I can't track it down. Everytime I think I fixed it it breaks something else. Ill get it fixed for good before long.

1) Keep all requests to normal ports. I dislike opening my firewall (lots of request to port 7869 when opening any page)
I shut the referer check off to allow people behind firewalls and proxies to be able to register and post. The way my network is configured you ouldn't be able to connect if it didn't open a port for your inbound connection. You don't have to do open any ports. These are simple UDP packets being sent and your firewall should recognize them as not harmful and not block the connection.
Make the main forum page load fast again. I don't know if this is a result from 1, but it takes more than a minute here...
This is a lingering effect from the attack we were under last week. It should clear up soon.
If its possible supply a larger box for posting messages. Only 5 lines at the momentto
You can set that by editing our display preferences.


Mar 26, 2002
donaldb wrote "Not sure if it's just me, but pages are taking forever to load."

It is taking a very, very, long time to load here with a broadband connection. I thought it was down but it was and still is taking forever to load a page <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

I am having trouble with mysql. This and the fact we are still feeling the lingering effects of the attack against us last week have much to do with the slowness.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
&lt;Rereading my post&gt;

Sorry if it sounded like a rant. Wasn't meant so harsh <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" /> Maybe I shouldn't complain about anything after doing edits in weird places, sorry.

For the firewall: I am receiving inbound TCP Packets on port 7869.

Size of edit-field: That's new, huh? Can't remember it - Cool feature - Many Thanks! <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />

(Do we have a thread for Bugs yet? Anyway: Looking at the source code od main forum-page I found the tag &lt;br /&gt; Is that anything special or just a typo? )


May 26, 2002
The &lt;br /&gt; style of tag means that the site is encoded in XHTML rather than HTML (and confirmed in the !DOCTYPE header of the page). A side effect of this is that as it loads I see the site in a wierd format with all wording showing a 'square' between each and every single letter of every single word on the page, until it finishes loading. Then, the page suddenly refreshes and is shown as would normally expected to be seen. This is some wierdness that NN4.7 always has with XHTML pages. Hopefully all the pages validate, SEF uses the same BB software; SEF has non-valid HTML and that site crashes my browser every few minutes.

&lt;later&gt; Ouch, no. Fed the site code to and it gives quite a lot of errors. The site does not validate to XHTML 1.0; it would be closer to validating to HTML 4.01 with a few changes; and is quite a long way from XHTML compliance. Results validating to XHTML: XHTML Validation Results . Results validating to HTML: HTML Validation Results &lt;/later&gt;

At this moment I am logged in through a different ISP to that which I was using several hours ago. I can now confirm the &gt;1 minute for each page loading, whereas from my usual ISP service was very fast. From here it is _almost_ unusable.

&lt;much later&gt; Between 2002-08-18 00:15 and 00:30 UTC, and between 00:50 and 01:00 UTC, there were several intermittent pages of SQL errors when attemping to either get a list of fora, get a list of messages, or view a message. I believe that the SQL functions were located on a backup server at the time, so you probably expected this to happen occasionally anyway [and, this little section, just the "much later" bit, of this post got lost (among the SQL errors) when I came back to edit it, and I had to type this little bit in again. ] &lt;/much later&gt;

Thanks for all the work and changes!

Just a report from dial-up AOL land: the pages come up quickly and look fine -- no problems with anything so far.

I like the new options and stuff... however, I do miss the names of people logged on at the top of the main page <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> . I know it makes no sense -- I do not know any of the folks! But, it somehow seemed friendlier (or at least active, or SOMEthing) when we were greeted with the names of the registered users currently on line. I don't know. Maybe I just liked confirmation of my own existence when I saw my handle up there.

Thanks again for the on-going work!


Mar 26, 2002
Here are my times to get to where I am (posting this message):

From Login to “My home”:
Generated in 189.328 seconds. 12 queries. Zlib compression disabled.

To Main:
Generated in 190.095 seconds. 19 queries. Zlib compression disabled.

To Members Lounge:
Generated in 189.921 seconds. 12 queries. Zlib compression disabled.

As you can see it took me about ten minutes <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

Everything including editing is very fast today so I am sure it's not on my end.

I am using IE6.x but also tried using Opera 6.x and not logging in - still unusable. I am sure it will all work out and it looks great (nice options) from what I have been able to see. I'll check back tonight or so.

Good Job,

P.S. Posting/previewing messages is lightning fast.

Can you post a traceroute to
I have checked the site from different locations and the slowest a page has loaded was 0.045 seconds. There must be some latency from your isp to mine. A traceroute will show where the problem is.


Mar 26, 2002
I am going to post in the editor forum if that's OK with my IP <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

This is not the problem though as you will see by the traceroute and ping times.
It literally takes minutes from the time I click "Enter Forum" from the home page. I have deleted the three cookies that your site sets and cleared cache. Even tried from my desktop which I have never used to enter the forum - same problem.
I will post the results in the editor forum - give me about 5-minutes to get there <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Here is a link to the posted info:;Board=tes2&amp;Number=6108&amp;page=0&amp;view=collapsed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=&amp;fpart=1


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Hmm well the number of people online is indeed at the bottom, but it only shows the number, whereas before it showed the names across the top, which I really liked. I also liked the newest member at the top, and I miss the little folders (instead of the big light bulbs). SEF flash backs or something I guess. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

btw. having the new member and the names at the top made things just slightly easer for me to catch new editors and fix their member statis -- that's one of the main reasons I don't like the new format, but a reason that is pretty much limited to me only. Oh and while I'm being a downer.. I wish we had the internal ODP smilies.. these ones kinda scare me --&gt; <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> (looks kinda.. pervertish or something <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" /> )
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