sorry, but I'm struggling


Jan 18, 2007

Ive tried about 7 or 8 times to get my site listed in the past 6 months or so, but I can't seem to get anywhere. Can anyone help?

Unfortunately, my category dosent have an editor and I have tried to contact other editors for advice, but can't get a reply. Please help as I am in danger of strangling my goldfish (I dont have a dog!):(


Jul 20, 2007
If you site has been declined 7/8 times then you should stop submitting it...i think.


Jan 23, 2003
OK, let us recap here, because you have been given some not-so-good advice.

You have suggested your site numerous times. Once is usually sufficient, two times is OK, anything more than that and you are abusing the system. Please do not submit any more times. Thank you.

All of this has happened within a six month period. Probably more like three months because the system did not accept suggestions for a while during the great server crash. No biggie so long as you follow the advice given in the previous paragraph.

Now, in all reality, what has happened is: nothing. In the vast majority of cases, no editor has touched your suggestion. Six months is not a significant period of time (unless you are holding your breath waiting for a listing) It is not uncommon for suggestions to wait years for an editor to get to them.

We have a FAQ item that addresses the fact there is no named editor -- the short form answer is that it does not matter. We have entire squadrons of editors who can and do edit everywhere. Personally, I wish we didn't show the named editors because it is really confusing, but no one has asked me.

Finally, please don't write to individual editors, as there have been some really nasty webmasters out there who have threatened, stalked and done other antisocial things, so we almost never answer e-mails -- even though we are on the Miss Manners hit list for not doing so.

The bottom line here is that you have done everything you need to do. Keep adding content to your website and at some point an editor will review it -- we just do not know when that will happen.

p.s. The society for the preservation and protection of innocent goldfish has been alerted, so don't do anything rash.
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