South Dublin: Business and Economy- wrong category




My site was listed a while back in the following category.

Regional: Europe: Ireland: Dublin: Municipalities: South Dublin: Business and Economy

This is the wrong category for us, we provide flowers delivery all over Ireland and our admin office is actually based in North Dublin not South Dublin. We feel the following category would be more applicable for what we do.

Regional: Europe: Ireland: Business and Economy: Shopping

Recently another florist from Dublin was listed in this category which is fair enough. But given we have a number of shops around Ireland it would appear we should be in this category too.

I have emailed the editor before but got no reponse, obvioulsy very busy but can anyone else help




Mar 26, 2002
You can submit an update url request from the category you are listed in. This request will be treated like any submission and the reviewing editor will decide whether or not to do the move. Please understand that if an editor agrees with your update request but does not edit in the other category they will move your site into the unreviewed area of that category essentially removing your listing until it is reviewed again.

In addition to what the helper said about how to request the change:

But given we have a number of shops around Ireland

Is this information on the site, and are they your shops (ie not florists who act as agents for your business)?

Regional listings are, for the most part predicated on your actual physical presence, and not by service area.

This is important - we can only review what is on the site for placement. We will expect that if there are multiple locations there will be some supporting information included, just an unverifiable list of addresses is not sufficient (unfortunately).



Thanks for your comments,

We do indeed have physical buildings in these towns.

I agree with your sentiments, but that same rational needs to be applied accross the other florists in the category otherwise they have an unfair advantage. In actual fact every single one of those florists are only based in Dublin. (flys in the face of the rules)

One of them charges florists to be part of its site and really only is an agregator of non original content which if I am not mistaken is not correct policy either.

Come on guys lets make sure the rules are applied evenly here otherwise the system breaks down.

I still want help though on my problem so any more information would be appreciated :smirk:


Sorry, I meant to say...yes the shop information is on the site as well


Come on guys lets make sure the rules are applied evenly here otherwise the system breaks down.

Come on flowershop people, let's make sure it's obvious what you do, where you do it, who your suppliers are, who your agents are, where your locations are, what you charge, and whether or not you deliver and how far you'll travel. Without all of this information, it becomes harder to list your site than you think.


First of all apologies about the new thread. I will make sure I keep with this one.

Regarding the good advice, I took the advice but unfortunaltley it did not work. I placed the various shop locations on the site (About us Page). I also clearly stated that we deliver all over Ireland (homepage) but it has not helped.

All our terms and conditions are clearly stated including delivery charges on the terms & conditions page right down to our privacy policy.

I am not trying to get at anyone but can we get some constructive advice about my site and not general information about florists in general.

It genuinely is appreciated and will be taken on board



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: South Dublin: Business and Economy- wrong cate

I'm puzzled. Why do you think it did not help? (as opposed to, say, not having been reviewed yet?)


Re: South Dublin: Business and Economy- wrong cate

Well, after I did everything I was recommended to do...I sent about two or three email to the editor of the category and I have not been able to get the site moved.

SO I dont know what to do now


Jun 16, 2003
Re: South Dublin: Business and Economy- wrong cate

Heh. One of our hard working shopping/flowers editors just happened upon this discussion and pointed out that the site was listed a couple days ago in

That person also wanted to pass along that they're working on a reorganization in regional flower shops and when that reorg hits Ireland, your site will be reviewed for placement.


Re: South Dublin: Business and Economy- wrong cate

thats great.

thanks for all your help..and thank the editor if you are in touch.

Many thanks

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