Staff EditorReview Please verify my request


Feb 17, 2005
To Editor
I have sent in over 3 months 5/2005
a link <url removed>

under this specfic directory catgoery for the DMOZ staff editor to review. However, I am still not seeing it there. I did my best efforts and did it right .
However, I just need some assure that it will be looked at and said its going to be in. I know its placed right in . Here's is where i listed it when I sumbitted it the only once at:
<category removed>
Please help me and advise whatelse I can do.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you have done your best, then you have done what you could.

You must have read the submittal policies -- people don't follow them by accident ;) -- so remember what it said about "no site is guaranteed a listing?" That means that we can't assure that it will be listed. Our "Social Contract" promises it will be looked at -- but doesn't (and can't) say when.

We no longer give status reports: sorry, but in our experience it generally didn't help the right people.

If you're looking to the ODP for commercial website promotion, you probably should look elsewhere also -- planning for the possibility (the large possibility) that there may not be a quick review.


Feb 17, 2005
Thank you for reply on thread

To Editor,
I was being optismistic. However, I hope as I know there will be no guranteee by the OPD for any website to be included in DMOZ.

I did my best efforts. My site as very good content for the catgoery its in.

Thank you for you quick response perhaps waiting is the only thing now 5/2005. Have a good one! :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'll give my usual spiel. Just a moment while I set up my soapbox.

Don't wait! You have a job to do, content to develop, banks to rob, whatever ... there is nothing, nothing on earth that you can't do for yourself, or for your website, or for the community, or even for humanity, NOW, while the ODP editors are working their ways through the net looking for your content. If you need website promotion, you can find someone to provide it NOW; if you need business, you can advertise NOW -- none of those things are dependent on the ODP. And the ODP cannot really help you with any of those things (EXCEPT -- we can help you find good websites you don't know about already. THAT, we do well. THAT's all we do. If that'll help you, we're here.)
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