Thank you for your prompt respond.
However we know about this listing,
And since shopping is only half of what our web site offer we posted a request to be in the mentioned category
which suit the other things we do .
Please note that you should have reused your original thread rather than starting a new one for it. It also speeds up replies if you give us a clickable link (in the form ) to the category you submitted the site to.
Please wait at least a month since your submission, or since your last status update (as requested in the forum guidelines), and then post a request in the original thread. Someone will answer you then. Thanks!
Please read (and follow) the couple of threads that asked you to reuse your original thread. You were also asked to wait at least one month between queries. You last got a status update on April 7 -- it is currently May 4. Post in the original thread sometime after May 7 to get your status update. Thanks.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.