Status check MyThunderBay.Com


Feb 28, 2002
Your post here was fine; unfortunately, your submission was declined a listing due to insufficient unique content.


Jul 16, 2004
thanks for the quick response

Can you tell me when this decision was made?
I do use feeds from other sites but over the last 2 weeks i have added over 40 new pages all of which are unique.
Is this decision final?
how many pages should i have?
thanks again for your time.


Aug 14, 2002
The decision is not final, but each time you submit your site and an editor reviews your site and says no, it becomes a little more final because after awhile we start to look at the resubmissions as spam.

over the last 2 weeks i have added over 40 new pages all of which are many pages should i have?

There's not a set number of pages. For one thing it depends on what else is on the site. A site with hundreds of pages is going to need more pages of unique content than a site of only a couple dozen pages.

The quality of the unique content and the value it adds to the category is also another consideration.

I took a look at your site. I know it will never be "finished." There are constantly updates to be made. However, it appears you have at least one section which remains to be developed. You have a Tourism link and practically no content there. Not enough to warrant a link in my mind.

We don't like to list sites that are still under construction. Finish the site first. Make it clear where your original content is, and resubmit.

It doesn't mean it will be listed, but it will be considered.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
A cautionary truism: "portal" or "directory" sites compare to our own category pages: that may mean very stiff competition for unique relevant content. Compare to the best two or three other sites on the subject (which is what we'll be doing): not the worst two or three (which we probably wouldn't list today based on the rising expectations of users, and our own rising standards.)

A cautionary tale: some time ago a site was reported rejected. The webmaster said, "but I have 500 pages of content." (As I often do) I double-checked the site.

(Remember, I am someone who would spend a week's spare time adding content to a small subsite while shrinking the number of files by 40% -- and thinking I was doing a good thing.)

I could have easily fit all that other site's content (minus the ads) into five pages. And so I reviewed it as "five pages very inefficiently presented", not as "500 pages of which 99% of the surface area seemed to be covered with ads." It didn't help.

If you add substantial content, the site may be reconsidered differently. If, however, the kind of content you are adding isn't what we'd be interested in, it doesn't matter how much of it we reject in one heap.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.