Status Check - - after nearly nine months of waiting ....?????


Apr 28, 2005
Hello :confused: ,

I would like to ask for a Status Check - for the site
category :Regional: Europe: France: Regions: Poitou-Charentes: Travel and Tourism: Lodging

I would also like to make an official request for an editor to take action in the following category :

Regional: Europe: France: Regions: Poitou-Charentes: Travel and Tourism: Lodging

The only editors in this family of categories exists in: (Régional: Europe: France: Régions) called : sdvan, clo

It has been now nine months since I have requested to be have my site considered for the Open Directory Project and I have not heard a whistle.

Having, spoken to a 'real' ODP editor who looked into the situation (With me), they identified that there is a big lack of Editors for these categories and sub-categories. There is also an enormous back-log for the sites which have posted to these category families.

I can understand, that the ODP have some back log problems, and understandably, but when it starts to penalise sites I (Does anyone) don't feel that it's very fair.

I have submitted other sites to the ODProject, without any problems or real delays on the replies (Positive or negative). However, this seems to be a long lasting issue.

Please can somebody help..... or at least get the back-log issue looked at ?

Thanks in advance. (Merci)

Mike :confused:


Apr 15, 2003
Please read the second thread in this section of the forum - with the title Note: These threads are NOT for Submission Status!

If you think there are not enough editors, then why not become one, and get your friends to apply also?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
mataari said:
I would also like to make an official request for an editor to take action in the following category

An official request to make a volunteer, in his spare time, for free, do what you want them to do? :confused: :confused:

mataari said:
I can understand, that the ODP have some back log problems, and understandably, but when it starts to penalise sites I (Does anyone) don't feel that it's very fair.

There are no backlog problems, since there is no line to backup. There are some areas that have huge pools of suggested sites that haven't been reviewed, but since the ODP has made no promise to review any of them in any particular time frame or order, nor that any of them are guaranteed an inclusion there really cannot be a backlog problem.

I am not quite sure what penalty not reviewing a suggested site places on that site? There is no guarantee that any site will be included, it is just a suggestion that we might want to include it. If there was a penalty, there are millions of sites that were never suggested that would incur that same penalty.

What there seems to be in this case is a mis-understanding of what the directory is. It's ok, we seem to see this same miss-understanding often. I would have hoped that your 'editor friend' would have explained to you though, that the ODP is not a listing service. There has never been a promise of a time frame for review. Some areas just have lower interests to editors and thus a wait time will naturally be longer. Perhaps these areas you mention are some of those. I don't know, I didn't look and have no interest too.

As bobrat said, if you think this area is lacking interested editors please apply to work on it and encourage others to do so as well. More good help is always needed! Trying to provoke an unpaid volunteer to do what you want them to do, in the time frame you want it done in doesn't seem fair to me.

Just my :2cents:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I would also like to make an official request for an editor to take action in the following category

You had already made a suggestion for a site to be listed in that category. It's not "official" -- there is no "official." Everything is just friendly suggestions, from one volunteer to another.

That's all there is. That's all we volunteers need.


May 26, 2002
We already have a million requests for action in the form of site submittals.

There is no way we want to see a million forum posts asking for action on suggestions already waiting.

When an editor takes an interest in building some particular category, that editor will have access to a list of URLs that have been suggested there, as well as a button to add other URLs found elsewhere by the editor.


Apr 28, 2005
Thank you for your kind replies. I'll take off the official "note".

And many of my friends have applied, but with rejection, or my other friends are editors, anyway ::

"What there seems to be in this case is a miss-understanding of what the directory is. It's ok, we seem to see this same miss-understanding often. I would have hoped that your 'editor friend' would have explained to you though, that the ODP is not a listing service. There has never been a promise of a time frame for review. Some areas just have lower interests to editors and thus a wait time will naturally be longer. Perhaps these areas you mention are some of those. I don't know, I didn't look and have no interest too."

-> I understand very well, what the directory is ::

However, what I don't like about it, what is unfair about it, FOR EVERYBODY, editors and webmasters is :: That this is a "good will" Directory it is not used as one.
i.e. Webmasters, like myself are penalised because search engines use these Directories as reference databases. If you are not in one, you are not referenced as pertinently as you should be.

The web masters are penalised, you guys are penalised and no, I don't think it's a good idea.... but I don't make the rules :: Search Engines companies do !!

That's unfair for everybody, why do you think there is so much pressure on you guys to treat demands... Anyway, that's another discussion...

Do apologise for mistaking the forum catagory, perhaps one should have named a Catagory "Status"....

I'll use the wait forever and see policy as explained in the FAQs...
Thank's anyway...


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Do apologise for mistaking the forum catagory, perhaps one should have named a Catagory "Status"....
We used to have a status category but since we no longer give status information, we had no use for it any longer.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
mataari, I do not believe that any search engine penalizes any site for not being in the ODP. In fact, I don't know of any search engine that treats ODP links any MORE significantly than any other link, whether "goodwill" or "purchased."

Some search engines put more emphasis on links purchased from themselves, but that's not a problem one way or another for us. In fact, the search engines each have the right to choose what they think is most significant. And whatever they choose is no problem for us. In fact, the ODP data is given away freely to everyone: it is up to each person's ingenuity what to make of it.

I think the pressure on us from webmasters is purely from ignorance and/or desperation (and there's enough of both of those in the world to mean a lot of pressure!) The ODP seems like a free service, and even sometimes acts like a free service (but a bird sometimes acts like a rock also -- that doesn't mean geological analysis is a useful component of avian biology!)

Anyway, an editor doesn't have to deal with webmasters at all, in order to do productive directory-building, so we don't have to take any more pressure than we CAN take. But I appreciate your understanding.
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