Status for


Nov 6, 2002
It was indeed submitted to that category a little over a month ago, and awaits review along with several dozen other sites.


Thanks for the update. I don't see an editor listed for that category. Just trying to understand the procedure and expected time frame when that's the case.

Thanks again!


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
No category is without an editor. If there is no listed editor in a category, it can still be edited by any editor listed higher up on the branch, and by any of the more than 200 editors with "editall" or "meta" permissions.

I'm afraid that there is no "expected time frame" for any submission, whether a category has a listed editor or not. Editors are volunteers, and are not required to review any particular number of sites, or to review them in any particular order.

The only thing I can tell you for sure is that the ODP is undergoing a major hardware upgrade, and the editor side is currently down. We have been told to expect that the downtime will last approximately one week, during which time no new sites can be added. We hope that this upgrade will make the directory work better for users, submitters, and editors alike. After the upgrade is complete, your site might be reviewed in several minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. I'm afraid that there is no way to tell.

And the procedure is exactly what you have already done: wait (hopefully patiently ;) ). You can also ask for another status update in this thread after another month has gone by (though I might wait longer, due to the downtime).
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.