Status for


Aug 2, 2002
You must wait at least a month from the last time you suggested the site before asking for an initial status check. If you can't remember the date then please wait a month from now and bump this thread. Thanks.


Jan 18, 2005
I've already waited many months since my original posting. I had been resubmitting once a month as you originally suggested, but I see your process has recently changed. I don't understand why I now have to wait another month because your process changed and I was never notified of this change. I just want to know the status...



Apr 15, 2003
You made the post on January 18, 2005, 07:12 PM - out posting guidlines have not changed since then. You just did not read the posting guidelines for this forum. The ones that said: Read the guidelines before posting.

Posting means making a post in this forum - it does not mean suggesting your site

Suggesting a site means sending your site to for possible review. The rules for suggesting your site are contained in - you agreed that you had read them when you suggested your sites and it says there
If a site you submitted has not been listed after a month, you may check its status at the dmoz public forums.

The guidelines for this forum
Wait at least one month after you last (not first time) submitted your site to start a thread here asking about its status.

I had been resubmitting once a month as you originally suggested
Who told you to do that, it's totally incorrect.


Jan 18, 2005
I did read all the guidelines carefully including the FAQ item from your site below. This is the change I am referring to that I was unaware of. It's already been much longer than a month since my original submission when the status posting guidelines did not have a reset every time you resubmit. To be clear, my orignal email should have used the word "submission" instead of "posting" in the first sentence. I really don't want to debate this, but I did want to communicate my issue with getting status based on my initial submission terms.

Thanks for the clarification of the distinction between the DMOZ and this site. I did not notice that especially given your use of the DMOZ logo on the site.

I suppose I will now just wait a month and ping this thread again...


FAQ item:

The ODP submission guidelines used to say to do it every month, but this has been rendered unnecessary by changes in how the ODP works. Once a submission has been received, it will never go away. It will sit in that category, awaiting review. Submissions do not expire.

So the preferred method is now to suggest the site to the category and wait at least a month. If, after a month, the site has not appeared, then come to Resource Zone and check that the site submission was successful (some do get lost). If an editor tells you to resubmit, then please do. Once an editor has confirmed that the submission is awaiting editorial review, then submitting again will do no good.

In fact, a new submission to the same category overwrites the previous one. Editors have many ways of sorting the pool of unreviewed sites in a category and one of them is by submission date. If this is the case, then a resubmission will show up further down the list and may end up taking longer to get reviewed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>The ODP submission guidelines used to say to do it every month, but this has been rendered unnecessary by changes in how the ODP works.

That's not a FAQ, that's a PRM (pervasively repeated myth.) The ODP submittal guidelines haven't EVER said that, and ODP submittals have NEVER expired.

>Once a submission has been received, it will never go away. It will sit in that category, awaiting review. Submissions do not expire.

You failed to mention whether they might obsolesce, rot, decay, tarnish, depreciate, amortize, deliquesce, vaporize, emigrate, perish, escape, ...

Rather than a belabored exposition of all the things that the ODP is not like, or all the ways in which stupid blatant violations of the submittal policies may redound upon the hapless heads, or alternatively the vital organs, of the violators -- we have a different approach.

We tell people how they can help us, if they want to.

And if people don't want to help, they don't have to. But if they aren't helping, we'll ignore them.

People are welcome to use whatever tools they can find, to work on whatever they wish -- but the tools really only work for helping the editors (and people who're trying to help them).

For instance, duplicate submittals (a-la the 1998 Spam-AltaVista-Out-of-Sites technique) don't hurt us. So why would we worry about them?

Google takes the same approach (although with different techniques): you can submit your site twice a day every day, and ... Google calculates its rank the same way. They don't worry about retraining the spamming brutes, because brutal spam doesn't hurt them.

The current approach works for people who read and follow the submittal policies. It doesn't work for the illiterate, importunate, or irrecidivist. But ... which of those categories would be addressed by yet another (albeit impressively redundant) answer to the most UN-asked question about the ODP on the net?


Aug 2, 2002
I see your process has recently changed.
You said it has been many months since your original [submission]. The submit once only guideline has been in place in the ODP for as long as I have been an editor, more than 2.5 years, and I do not recall anyone here in this forum ever mentioning it before as a reason for multiple submissions. The information you had must have been extremely out of date, it pays to read the current guidelines when you suggest a site.


Jan 18, 2005
How long can I expect to wait on an initial status check? I reposted the question as I was originally told to do at the beginning of this thread and have not heard back on initial status for over a month.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If a thread drifts of the first three pages or so, then it was probably overlooked. Just bump it.

The site submittal is waiting there for review.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.