Status for


Apr 23, 2004

Thanks for the update, but I am not sure the exact reason.

JK Raghu


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It always comes down to the same thing: "there isn't enough unique content to make it worth listing." See, sites mostly don't get rejected for doing offensive things; they get rejected for not doing anything worth doing. And how could we possibly know why you chose to waste your time and ours NOT contributing to the sum of human knowledge?

Look at your site this way. Assume you and all your family had died, your server caught fire during a flood and was stolen by thieves, and all the backup CDs were turned into skeet targets for marine snipers.

What information would have become unavailable to web surfers? What products would be lost to the world economy? If the answer is "nothing", then you can stop the analysis. It is the duty and delight of the ODP editor not to list the site. The simple fact is, the sooner your site goes down, the better off the whole world will be: and we know it, and there is nothing you can do to change it.

But if you do have a significant answer to that question, then go to the next test. Say firmly to yourself in the mirror: "I'm promoting a site in one of the most heavily spammed keywords on the net -- I have millions of competitors. If I don't have something unique for visitors within 15 seconds, they're out of there to the next site. Can my visitors pick out my unique offering (from all the pay-per-view advertisements and pay-per-click links and pay-per-sale promotions) in that time?

If THIS answer is "no", then it is still altogether appropriate for the ODP editor to not list the site. But you might be able to fix the problem (although the editors obviously can't help with that -- you're the one that knows best which bits are unique, because you know where you got your information: and presumably before transcribing content into the net, you checked to make sure someone else hadn't already done it.)

So you might be able to build a site that was worth something to submitters. You may still ask whether the financial benefit to yourself is enough to make it worthwhile, but we can't help you with that. Only you can valuate your time, and your sense of responsibility for contributing to society. If you don't care to do that -- it would not be for us to condemn or punish you, but we would not waste our time abetting your egoism. In such a case, you could promote your site however you wish -- there are thousands of people who would help you -- but you would have no rational reason to expect an ODP listing.

Three simple questions: Have I got unique information or products to offer? Can the surfer find it? Do I care?
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