Status for




I would like to know what is the status for the site please ? listed under a category that
is waiting for an editor. Submited a few weeks ago.

Thanks by advance for your answer.


i can't remember the category where i submitted my website <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />/ i thought that was this one, search through my emails but received no confirmation for submission <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />/ all i can tell you is that the site was submitted in a category on which the subject is selling informatic hardware and peripherics. that category didn't have any editors at all at the moment i submitted the site and if i remember well there was no other websites already submitted in this category at the moment of submission.
Trying to check if i found back the good category and will inform you of any news. Is there another way to find in which category i submitted the site please ?


Your site is sitting in the unreviewed queue atçais/Informatique/Matériel/Revendeurs and the unreviewed queue is not large. That is the good news.

The bad news is that you sell computers, peripherals, data processing components, stereo and video components and the category is for already assembled PCs, and their peripherial equipment, is it not? When your site is reviewed, site placement will be a problem for the editor.

The other piece of not so good news is that your site which is nicely titled Top Elec was submitted with a list of descriptive keywords as a title. This means that when the editor does review your site, the very first thing they have to do is throw out the junk and find the correct title.

And finally, the good news. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Some kind editor has renamed your site to Top Elec and left it in unreviewed in the queue.
<img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.